
National Security at the United Nations This Week


Mar 1st, 2019

National Security at the United Nations This Week


Feb 22nd, 2019

So This Is What Congress’ Getting Involved in Foreign Affairs Looks Like


Feb 14th, 2019

Congress, Saudi Arabia, and the Conflict in Yemen: Where do We Go from Here?


Feb 12th, 2019

National Security at the United Nations This Week


Feb 8th, 2019

Avoiding the Next Yemen: Applying Hard Lessons for Security Partnerships

by and

Feb 6th, 2019

CENTCOM Improves Transparency of Yemen War Civilian Casualties, But Gaps Remain


Jan 28th, 2019

Saudi Coalition “Admission” of Error in Bombing Cholera Treatment Center Implicates the United States


Jan 25th, 2019

National Security at the United Nations This Week


Jan 25th, 2019

National Security at the United Nations This Week


Jan 18th, 2019

Annotation of the Pentagon Report to Congress on Detainee Abuse by U.S. Partners in Yemen


Jan 8th, 2019

A False Choice on Saudi Arabia: Sanctioning Riyadh’s Military-Intelligence Sectors is a Workable Option


Dec 17th, 2018

The Senate Strikes Back: Checking Trump’s Foreign Policy

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Dec 14th, 2018

Full Accounting Needed of US-UAE Counterterrorism Partnership in Yemen


Dec 7th, 2018

How the “Arms Sales Oversight Act” Could Prevent American Arms from Contributing to the Next Overseas Crisis

by and

Dec 5th, 2018

How the Senate Should Move Forward on Resolution to Withdraw from Yemen War

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Nov 30th, 2018

No Clean Hands: Reaction and Counter-Reaction in the Iranian-Saudi Proxy War in Yemen


Nov 21st, 2018

The Votes Are There for a Congressional Reckoning on Yemen


Nov 21st, 2018

Obama Officials’ Incomplete Reckoning with Failure on Yemen


Nov 19th, 2018

10 Priorities for Peace, Human Rights and Justice in Yemen: An Important Joint Statement From Country’s Civil Society

by and

Oct 24th, 2018

The Saudi Playbook: Self-Investigations of Civilian Deaths in Yemen and Khashoggi  


Oct 22nd, 2018

Options for Congress to Respond to Saudi Transgressions: Here’s What Works according to Former Senior U.S. Officials


Oct 22nd, 2018

Justice Dept Must Open Criminal Investigation Into Potential War Crimes by U.S. Mercenaries in Yemen

by and

Oct 16th, 2018

Annotation of Sec. Pompeo’s Certification of Yemen War: Civilian Casualties and Saudi-Led Coalition


Oct 15th, 2018

Saudi Arabia Policymakers’ Outlook: How to Convert Financial into Political Clout?


Oct 15th, 2018

Grading the Pompeo Certification on Yemen War and Civilian Protection: Time for Serious Reconsideration


Sep 18th, 2018

New UN Report Says All Parties to Yemen Conflict May be Responsible for War Crimes

by , , and

Sep 7th, 2018

U.N. Peace Operations Should Get Off the Counter-Terror Bandwagon

by and

Sep 4th, 2018

Condolence Payments for Civilian Casualties: Lessons for Applying the New NDAA


Aug 28th, 2018

Al-Qaeda and ISIS are on Their Heels in Yemen, But Will Return Unless We Help Build a Lasting Peace


Aug 7th, 2018

The Real-Life Consequences of the (Now Lawful) Travel Ban  


Jul 11th, 2018

Time for a Reckoning in Yemen


Jul 5th, 2018

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