
Defending Women’s Rights Is Not Terrorism: A Saudi Prosecution on Human Rights Day

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Dec 11th, 2020

The Risks of Relying on Counterterrorism Laws to Reduce Wartime Sexual Violence


Dec 7th, 2020

UN Resolution on Women, Peace, and Security Stumbles in Iraq When It’s Needed Most


Oct 31st, 2020

The Women, Peace and Security Agenda at 20: Setbacks, Progress, and the Way Forward

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Oct 30th, 2020

UN Experts to Trump Administration: Reproductive Rights are Human Rights


Sep 18th, 2020

Repatriating ISIS Family Members: A North Macedonia Model?

by , and

Sep 14th, 2020

Despite US Veto, Desperate ISIS Suspects and Families Remain at Risk


Sep 4th, 2020

The Challenges of a New UN Security Council Resolution on Foreign Fighters


Aug 17th, 2020

The New Jane Crow: Women’s Mass Incarceration


Jul 20th, 2020

Trump Administration’s Women, Peace and Security Plans: Blueprint for Action or Empty Promises?


Jul 20th, 2020

Draft “Murad Code” Aims to Improve Investigations of Sexual Violence in Conflict


Jun 19th, 2020

New UN Handbook on Sexual Violence in Conflict Helps, But Still Falls Short

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Jun 19th, 2020

What a “Feminist” Approach to Fighting COVID-19 Might Have Achieved

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May 28th, 2020

National Security at the United Nations This Week (April 11-17)


Apr 17th, 2020

All Americans: Extending Draft Registration Makes Us Stronger

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Apr 7th, 2020

Men as Partners for Women, Peace and Security: Vital Lessons


Jan 3rd, 2020

Rehabilitating the Islamic State’s Women and Children Returnees in Kazakhstan


Dec 12th, 2019

Legislative Responses to ISIS Returnees Take a New Twist in Australia


Jul 26th, 2019

Trump Builds Support for Border Wall on the Backs of Women

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Jul 23rd, 2019

Looking to 2020: A Presidential Pledge for Gender Parity in National Security Appointments

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Jun 27th, 2019

Repatriating ISIS Families: An Opportunity to Show that “Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism” Can Work

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Jun 14th, 2019

Time to Bring Women and Children Home from Iraq and Syria


Jun 4th, 2019

Is Justice the Antidote to Sexual Violence in Conflict? Why Amal Clooney is Only Half Right


May 9th, 2019

Gutting the Substance of a Security Council Resolution on Sexual Violence


Apr 24th, 2019

Beyond Killing: The Critical Role of Gender in the Recognition, Prevention and Punishment of Genocide

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Dec 14th, 2018

“ISIS Widows” and “Boko Haram Wives”: Overlooked Abuses in Iraq and Nigeria

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Aug 23rd, 2018

Gina Haspel: Feminist Smokescreen, Not Choice

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May 9th, 2018

Gendering Counterterrorism: How to, and How Not to – Part II

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May 3rd, 2018

Gendering Counterterrorism: How to, and How Not to – Part I

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May 1st, 2018

Children, Military Courts and Occupation


Feb 27th, 2018

The Women and Children Returning Home from the “Caliphate”


Oct 24th, 2017

Trump’s Muslim Ban & the Propaganda Value of Violence Against Women


Feb 13th, 2017