War Crimes

Bolton, the ICC and the Rohingya


Sep 19th, 2018

Countries’ Reactions to Bolton’s Attack on the ICC

by and

Sep 18th, 2018

The Legal Line Crossed in Bolton’s Attack on the ICC


Sep 17th, 2018

Why Bolton’s Assault on the ICC Is Not in U.S. Interests


Sep 14th, 2018

New UN Report Says All Parties to Yemen Conflict May be Responsible for War Crimes

by , , and

Sep 7th, 2018

International Criminal Law Roundup Series: Part I


Sep 6th, 2018

Condolence Payments for Civilian Casualties: Lessons for Applying the New NDAA


Aug 28th, 2018

To Be a True Reformer, Ethiopia’s Abiy Must Commit to Human Rights Accountability

by , and

Aug 8th, 2018

Continued Fight for Accountability in Liberia: Another Landmark U.S. Court Decision

by and

Jul 12th, 2018

Time for a Reckoning in Yemen


Jul 5th, 2018

Saudi Arabia’s Misleading Email to Congress After Bombing of MSF Cholera Hospital


Jun 25th, 2018

With New U.S. Arms Sale Pending–What Happened to Saudi Assurances on Civilian Casualties in Yemen?


May 24th, 2018

Legal Limits on Military Assistance to Proxy Forces: Pathways for State and Official Responsibility


May 14th, 2018

Time to Dust Off the War Crimes Act?–for an American ex-soldier now in command of UAE forces

by and

May 9th, 2018

Historic Moment for Liberians: Warlord Sentenced to 30 Years


Apr 24th, 2018

At a Crossroad: The Int’l Criminal Court’s Afghanistan Probe and the International Law Commission


Apr 19th, 2018

Uncomplimentary Complementarity and the Int’l Criminal Court’s Afghanistan Probe

by and

Apr 12th, 2018

Official Immunity Under the Rome Statute: The Path From Principle to Practice Is Seldom Straight


Apr 10th, 2018

Salisbury Response Option: Take Putin to Int’l Criminal Court

by and

Mar 13th, 2018

Using U.S. Courts to Promote Accountability for the 1990 Liberian Church Massacre and Beyond

by and

Feb 26th, 2018

The Human Cost of Trump’s Weakness Toward Russia


Feb 22nd, 2018

UN Releases Guidelines for Team Investigating ISIS Crimes in Iraq


Feb 19th, 2018

The United States Can – And Should – Prosecute the Killers of US Journalists and Aid Workers in Syria


Feb 14th, 2018

What Should the International Community Do to Address Impunity in Bangladesh?


Jan 31st, 2018

Justice for Atrocities is Hard (So Get It Right in Darfur)


Jan 3rd, 2018

USG Statement on Int’l Criminal Court Probe into Alleged U.S. War Crimes is Missing Some Things


Dec 14th, 2017

Is the ICC Making a Difference?


Dec 6th, 2017

The ICC’s Afghanistan Investigation: What’s at Stake for the U.S.?


Dec 5th, 2017

The Internationalists Mini-Forum: Wars of Self-Defense, An Exception that Swallows the Rule


Nov 16th, 2017

Mohammed Jabbateh Conviction: A Human Rights Trial Cloaked in Immigration Crimes


Nov 7th, 2017

Recap of Recent Pieces on Just Security (Oct. 21-27)


Oct 28th, 2017

The Importance of Professional Expertise in Gathering Evidence of Mass Atrocities


Oct 27th, 2017

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