War Crimes

Incorporating Digital Technology in the Investigation of International Crimes: Lessons from the Democratic Republic of Congo

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Oct 14th, 2021

Historic Judgment in Liberian Massacre Case Advances US Law

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Oct 11th, 2021

How the UN General Assembly Can Respond to Atrocity Crimes at Its 76th Session


Sep 14th, 2021

Famine in Tigray, Humanitarian Access, and the War Crime of Starvation


Jul 26th, 2021

Japan Cannot Claim Sovereign Immunity and Also Insist that WWII Sexual Slavery was Private Contractual Acts

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Jul 20th, 2021

As Troops Withdraw from Afghanistan, the UN Needs to Act

by , and

Jul 7th, 2021

With Deliberate Famine Threatening Millions, Tigray Demands Greater Action from the US

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Jun 21st, 2021

The US Should Respect the ICC’s Founding Mandate

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May 19th, 2021

Recognizing the Armenian Genocide Marks a Historic Turning Point in American Foreign Policy


Apr 25th, 2021

A Drop in the Ocean: A Preliminary Assessment of the Koblenz Trial on Syrian Torture


Apr 22nd, 2021

On Functional Immunity of Foreign Officials and Crimes under International Law


Mar 31st, 2021

UN Human Rights Council Outlines Sri Lanka Abuses, But Demurs on Action


Mar 26th, 2021

When War Criminals Run the Government: Not Too Late for the International Community to Vet Sri Lankan Officials

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Mar 16th, 2021

Why We Prosecute Wartime Misconduct


Mar 10th, 2021

UN Should Suspend Sri Lanka from Peacekeeping Over Human Rights Abuses


Mar 5th, 2021

Highlighting Sri Lanka’s Abuses to the UN in Reviews and Strategic Litigation


Mar 4th, 2021

Sri Lanka’s Evasion of Accountability Tests the Limits of the International Human Rights System


Mar 1st, 2021

Emblematic Cases Expose the Long Road to Justice in Sri Lanka


Feb 22nd, 2021

Tamils – and Justice – Can’t Wait: The Need for Decisive UN Action on Sri Lanka


Feb 19th, 2021

US Can Restore Leadership on Human Rights by Promoting Accountability in Sri Lanka

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Feb 18th, 2021

A Catalogue of Suffering Behind the Calls for Action on Sri Lanka’s War Crimes


Feb 12th, 2021

The Human Rights Council Must Establish an Accountability Mechanism for Sri Lanka’s Victims

by , , and

Feb 11th, 2021

Balancing the US Approach to the ICC


Feb 10th, 2021

US Re-Engagement in UN Human Rights Council Brings Influence, Leverage, Amb. Donahoe Says


Feb 8th, 2021

Sri Lanka’s UN Efforts to Stave Off Justice for War Crimes


Feb 3rd, 2021

Spotlight on Sri Lanka as UN Human Rights Council Prepares Next Session


Feb 1st, 2021

German Court Major Judgment on Foreign Officials’ Lack of Immunity in War Crimes Trials


Feb 1st, 2021

Reconsidering the Digitalization of International Criminal Justice


Jan 19th, 2021

Can a Pardon Be a War Crime?: When Pardons Themselves Violate the Laws of War


Dec 24th, 2020

A Commander’s Duty to Punish War Crimes: Past U.S. Recognition


Dec 4th, 2020

75 Years Ago at Nuremberg: Giving a Name to Crimes Against Humanity


Nov 19th, 2020

Trump’s Executive Order on the ICC is Illegal, Not Just Shameful

by and

Oct 13th, 2020

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