Vladimir Putin

Вторгнення Росії в Україну є загрозою для правозахисників та політичних вигнанців

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Mar 3rd, 2022

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Imperils Human Rights Defenders and Political Exiles

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Mar 3rd, 2022

Змодельований щоденний звіт президента про Путіна та Україну


Mar 2nd, 2022

A Simulated President’s Daily Brief on Putin and Ukraine


Mar 2nd, 2022

Holding Putin and Russia Accountable: A List of Legal and Policy Options

by , , and

Feb 25th, 2022

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Is Essentially Not About NATO

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Feb 24th, 2022

In 11th-Hour Diplomacy, US and Europe Try to Stop Putin From Escalating War on Ukraine


Feb 13th, 2022

Retired Russian Generals Criticize Putin Over Ukraine, Renew Call for His Resignation


Feb 9th, 2022

Putin’s Coercion on NATO Goes Beyond Its Open Door Policy


Jan 28th, 2022

As Putin Lines Ukraine Border with Russian Troops, Is There a China Factor?


Jan 24th, 2022

As Putin Aims to Re-Divide Europe, Lessons from the Past Can Guide a Response


Jan 7th, 2022

Putin’s Gamble on Ukraine


Dec 6th, 2021

Anti-Corruption Crusader Navalny’s Appeal from His Russian Prison Cell


Aug 23rd, 2021

How to Put Lukashenka in His Place


Aug 4th, 2021

Why Biden and Putin Should Restart Talks on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Arms Control


Jun 14th, 2021

Same Data, Same Strategy: A New Look at How the Trump Campaign and Russian Intelligence Operated in 2016


May 21st, 2021

Limited Sanctions Will Not Deter Putin, But They Are a Fine Start


Apr 16th, 2021

How the US and the EU Can Support Belarus Amid Its Historic Protests


Aug 20th, 2020

Extend New START — The World Can’t Afford a U.S.-Russia Nuclear Arms Race Too

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Apr 10th, 2020

Time for Russia and Putin to Face a Reckoning on Syria


Mar 13th, 2020

Why the 2020 Election Will Be A Mess: It’s Just Too Easy for Putin

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Feb 19th, 2020

A Call to Arms: Taking the Russia Threat Seriously


Dec 6th, 2019

Will Executive Privilege Block Congress’ Access to Trump-Putin Helsinki Meeting Notes?


Feb 14th, 2019

Western Covert Action and Russian Active Measures: Hypocrisy or Divergent Values?


Jan 22nd, 2019

How Far Can a Rogue Kremlin Push International Law?


Dec 13th, 2018

Three Takeaways from Russia’s Latest Criminal Charges Against Bill Browder


Nov 20th, 2018

U.S. Libel Case Over Russian Poisoning Takes Aim at Kremlin Propaganda


Oct 19th, 2018

Putin Had a Win-Win Strategy for Life Post-2016; Trump, Not So Much

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Sep 21st, 2018

New Russia Sanctions, Putin’s Economy, and the Shadow Over Planned U.S.-Russia Business Group


Aug 27th, 2018

Nuclear Arms Control After Helsinki: If Trump and Putin Want a Deal on Arms Control, Here’s Where to Start


Aug 7th, 2018

What Cannot Be on the Table at the Trump-Putin Summit


Jul 13th, 2018

With Trump Talk of Crimea Deal, Will U.S. Bulwark Hold?


Jul 13th, 2018