United Nations

Watchlisting the World: Digital Security Infrastructures, Informal Law, and the “Global War on Terror”

by , and

Oct 28th, 2021

How the UN Can Strengthen its Peacekeeping Mission in the Central African Republic Amid a Changed Conflict

by and

Oct 20th, 2021

Taliban Governance of NGOs – What to Expect and How to Respond


Oct 15th, 2021

The Relay Race of Defining Crimes Against Humanity – From the International Tribunals to the Draft Articles


Sep 27th, 2021

Crimes of Omission: Why a UN Treaty on Genocide but Not on Crimes Against Humanity?


Sep 21st, 2021

Why the UN Needs a Comprehensive “Agenda for Protection”


Sep 20th, 2021

The Failure of Transitional Justice in Afghanistan: Impunity Turned Into Law


Sep 16th, 2021

As the Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Moves Forward, a View on How It Relates to the Rome Statute for the ICC


Sep 15th, 2021

How the UN General Assembly Can Respond to Atrocity Crimes at Its 76th Session


Sep 14th, 2021

Towards a New Treaty on Crimes Against Humanity: Next Steps


Sep 13th, 2021

Human Rights Advocacy and the Institutionalization of U.S. “Counterterrorism” Policies Since 9/11


Sep 9th, 2021

Afghans Need More Than Solidarity

by , and

Aug 25th, 2021

Expert Backgrounder: How Can The Taliban Be Prevented From Representing Afghanistan In The United Nations?


Aug 18th, 2021

In Afghanistan, Lest We Forget


Aug 16th, 2021

Cybercrime is Dangerous, But a New UN Treaty Could Be Worse for Rights


Aug 13th, 2021

Behind the Scenes of the Global Counterterrorism Forum: A Bypass of Human Rights and UN Consensus?

by and

Aug 10th, 2021

What the Review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy Tells Us About How Far We Have Come Since 9/11

by and

Jul 27th, 2021

Protecting Civilians in Mali – More UN Peacekeepers Is Only Part of the Solution


Jul 15th, 2021

Beyond the Coup in Myanmar: The Tatmadaw Must Be Hit Where it Hurts – Its Wallet


Jul 14th, 2021

Undermining Norms? How the Antipersonnel Mine Ban Has Endured in US Policy

by and

Jul 14th, 2021

Will Iran’s New President be Held Accountable?


Jul 8th, 2021

Duque’s War in Colombia: High Stakes For UN, OAS, and Biden Administration as Human Rights Crisis Spins Out of Control


Jun 22nd, 2021

Why UN Counterterrorism Needs Human Rights Oversight Now

by and

Jun 22nd, 2021

The UN Has Options Beyond the Security Council for Cross-Border Aid to Syria


Jun 21st, 2021

UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and Humanitarian Action: A Case for Saving Lives


Jun 18th, 2021

Foreign ISIS Suspects, Families: Why a Single “R” Word Matters at the UN

by and

Jun 17th, 2021

Time for a Course Correction on Counterterrorism and Civic Space

by and

Jun 15th, 2021

Opening Pandora’s Box: New “Threats” in the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

by and

Jun 14th, 2021

Introducing a Symposium on the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy

by and

Jun 14th, 2021

Afghanistan is Facing a Humanitarian Crisis. The US Must Help.


Jun 11th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: A New Standard for Effective Interviewing by Police and Others, While Respecting Human Rights

by and

Jun 1st, 2021

The Méndez Principles: Leadership to Transform Interrogation via Science, Law, and Ethics

by and

Jun 1st, 2021

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