United Nations

Організація Об’єднаних Націй в ретроспективі: виклики для права вето в Раді Безпеки ООН

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May 9th, 2022

War’s Aftermath in Ukraine: Preparing Now for the Day After


May 5th, 2022

Наслідки війни в Україні: готуємося зараз до прийдешнього дня


May 5th, 2022

The United Nations in Hindsight: Challenging the Power of the Security Council Veto

by , and

Apr 28th, 2022

Як міжнародне правосуддя може досягти успіху в Україні та за її межами

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Apr 14th, 2022

How International Justice Can Succeed in Ukraine and Beyond

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Apr 14th, 2022

The People of Myanmar Need to Be Heard, Not Ostracized, on the International Stage


Mar 29th, 2022

U.S. Under Secretary of State Nuland on Accelerating Aid to Ukraine and Sanctions Against Russia


Mar 9th, 2022

Гуманітарні коридори в Україні: глухий кут, підступна витівка чи вузький промінь надії?


Mar 8th, 2022

Humanitarian Corridors in Ukraine: Impasse, Ploy or Narrow Passage of Hope?


Mar 8th, 2022

Зниження пріоритетності прав людини не захистить територіальний суверенітет

by , and

Mar 8th, 2022

Deprioritizing Human Rights Will Not Protect Territorial Sovereignty

by , and

Mar 8th, 2022

Генеральна Асамблея ООН повинна рекомендувати створення трибуналу для України щодо злочину агресії: Нюрнберг – це не модель


Mar 7th, 2022

U.N. General Assembly Should Recommend Creation Of Crime Of Aggression Tribunal For Ukraine: Nuremberg Is Not The Model


Mar 7th, 2022

Варіанти реагування ООН на російську агресію: можливості та “підводні камені”


Mar 1st, 2022

United Nations Response Options to Russia’s Aggression: Opportunities and Rabbit Holes


Mar 1st, 2022

Holding Putin and Russia Accountable: A List of Legal and Policy Options

by , , and

Feb 25th, 2022

Combating Anti-Asian Violence through UN Human Rights Mechanisms


Feb 18th, 2022

How to Strengthen the Program of Action for Advancing Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace


Feb 10th, 2022

Looks Are Deceiving: The Rebranding and Perpetuation of Counterterrorism Watchlisting in Multilateral Spaces

by , and

Jan 28th, 2022

Cuando la corrupción no tiene rastro de dinero: las sanciones pasan por alto casos cruciales

by , and

Jan 21st, 2022

Connecting the Dots: The Surge in Reprisals Against Women and the Rise of Counterterrorism

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Jan 19th, 2022

When Corruption Has No Money Trail: Sanctions Overlook Crucial Cases

by , and

Jan 19th, 2022

For Sudan’s Democratic Imperative, the US and Others Must Intensify Support


Jan 18th, 2022

The International Community and Israel: Giving Permission to a Permanent Occupation        


Jan 7th, 2022

The Use of Biometric Technologies for Counter-terrorism Purposes in a Human Rights Vacuum


Dec 20th, 2021

In South Sudan, Keep UN Peacekeepers Focused on Evolving Risks for Civilians


Dec 17th, 2021

Sanctions and Corruption: Assessing Risk to Improve Design


Dec 13th, 2021

Crimes Against Humanity: Little Progress on Treaty as UN Legal Committee Concludes its Work

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Dec 7th, 2021

What Should Be the Aim of President Biden’s Democracy Summit?


Nov 24th, 2021

Good COP, Bad COP: After the Mixed Results of COP26, What’s Next?

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Nov 24th, 2021

Failure to Renew Yemen Investigative Mechanism Shows Costs of US Absence from Human Rights Council


Oct 29th, 2021

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