U.S. Military

The Generals Aren’t the Problem; An Ill-Informed Commander-in-Chief Is


Jan 2nd, 2020

Congress Expands Oversight of U.S. Payments for Civilian Deaths


Dec 18th, 2019

Effective U.S. Grand Strategy Includes Harnessing Diverse Educational Institutions

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Aug 19th, 2019

Part III: The Muddy Middle: A New Framework for Use of Force

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Aug 16th, 2019

Part II: The Muddy Middle: Challenges of Applying Use of Force Policy Guidance in Practice

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Aug 15th, 2019

The Muddy Middle: The Disappearing Lines in America’s Counterterrorism Wars and How to Restore Order

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Aug 14th, 2019

Army and Marine Corps Publish New Manual: The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Land Warfare


Aug 9th, 2019

One Key Instrument to Confront China and Climate Change

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Jul 8th, 2019

‘Flying Ginsu’ Missile Won’t Resolve U.S. Targeted Killing Controversy


May 16th, 2019

The Pentagon’s 2018 Civilian Casualties Report: What’s In It and What’s Next

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May 2nd, 2019

Avoiding the Next Yemen: Applying Hard Lessons for Security Partnerships

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Feb 6th, 2019

Pentagon’s Climate Change Report Lacks Analysis the Law Requires


Jan 23rd, 2019

U.S. Air Strike Data from Afghanistan Takes Step Back in Transparency

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Dec 20th, 2018

U.S. Lethal Operations in Somalia Are On the Rise. But Are They Effective?


Dec 6th, 2018

Post-9/11 Generation Reaches Enlistment Age in Unmoored ‘War on Terror’


Sep 18th, 2018

Overdue US Admission that Civilians Were Killed in Syria Strike Is Still Insufficient


Jul 5th, 2018

Losing Our Profession: The Dire Consequences of a More Partisan Military


Apr 30th, 2018

Military Planning for the Climate Century


Oct 19th, 2017

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