U.S. Military

Don’t Forget Your Friends: Risks and Opportunities in Security Partnerships


Jun 9th, 2022

The Operational and Legal Risks of a No-Fly Zone Over Ukrainian Skies


Mar 10th, 2022

U.S. Under Secretary of State Nuland on Accelerating Aid to Ukraine and Sanctions Against Russia


Mar 9th, 2022

In 11th-Hour Diplomacy, US and Europe Try to Stop Putin From Escalating War on Ukraine


Feb 13th, 2022

When US Security and Democracy Interests Clash

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Nov 18th, 2021

A Soldier and His Establishment: In the Life of Colin Powell, Who Failed Whom?


Nov 5th, 2021

Peace Is Threatened Again in Bosnia, A Quarter Century after Dayton

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Oct 22nd, 2021

The Overhyping of Over the Horizon


Oct 13th, 2021

The Role of Nuclear Weapons: Why Biden Should Declare a Policy of No First Use


Sep 29th, 2021

Restraint and Values in American Strategy


Sep 15th, 2021

The Forever War on the Homefront


Sep 8th, 2021

In Afghanistan, Lest We Forget


Aug 16th, 2021

Abandoning Afghan Allies: The Latest Chapter in Shameful History of US in Afghanistan


Aug 14th, 2021

The Top US Diplomat on Arms Control Commits to `Values-Based Security Partnerships’ — Here’s How to Do That


Jul 30th, 2021

Undermining Norms? How the Antipersonnel Mine Ban Has Endured in US Policy

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Jul 14th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: The Case for US Legislation on Law Enforcement Interviews


Jun 29th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: Building Rapport and Trust in Interrogations to Elicit Reliable Information

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Jun 15th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: The Need to Update the Army Field Manual on Interrogation for the 21st Century

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Jun 11th, 2021

A Just Exit from Afghanistan

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May 12th, 2021

Biden’s Decision to Pull Troops From Afghanistan Risks a Major Refugee Crisis

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Apr 26th, 2021

The US Military Should Stay Out of Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado; Send Diplomats Who Know the Terrain


Apr 9th, 2021

No Military Solutions: A New Approach to Preventing Atrocities


Mar 22nd, 2021

Flexible Partnerships Can Help Make NATO Fit for Purpose

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Mar 12th, 2021

Letting Diplomacy Lead US Counterterrorism: What Would That Look Like?


Mar 1st, 2021

Women, Peace, and Security: Is DOD Turning a Human Rights Corner?


Feb 17th, 2021

To End the Forever Wars, Rein in the Drones


Feb 16th, 2021

Defining “Endless War” is Essential for Proper Strategic Analysis of America’s Wars


Feb 3rd, 2021

US Human Rights Policy: How to Really Build Back Better

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Jan 19th, 2021

Trump’s Veto Threat Over Confederate-Named Bases Erodes U.S. Security and American Values

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Nov 25th, 2020

Defense Policy Negotiations Near Completion in Congress, With Human Rights Provisions in Play


Nov 25th, 2020

Plan to Pull U.S. Troops from Somalia is Cold Comfort Amid Civilian Toll of Air War


Oct 31st, 2020

Militarized Counterterrorism in Africa: Moving Beyond a Failed Approach

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Oct 30th, 2020