
India’s Digital Governance `Model’ Fails on Rights

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Sep 6th, 2023

How Russia is Using Online Video Games to Promote the War in Ukraine


Aug 15th, 2023

The Meta Studies: Nuanced Findings, Corporate Spin, and Media Oversimplification

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Aug 2nd, 2023

The Perils and Promise of AI Regulation

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Jul 26th, 2023

AUKUS Is More Than Submarines: Its Advanced Capabilities Pillar Will Also Require Fundamental Shifts

by , and

Jul 10th, 2023

Збір цифрових доказів у Міжнародному кримінальному суді: Обіцянки та підводні камені

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Jul 5th, 2023

Digital Evidence Collection at the Int’l Criminal Court: Promises and Pitfalls

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Jul 5th, 2023

Weighing the Risks: Why a New Conversation is Needed on AI Safety


Jun 30th, 2023

Regulation is Not Enough: A Blueprint for Winning the AI Race


Jun 29th, 2023

To Legislate on AI, Schumer Should Start with the Basics

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Jun 28th, 2023

Meta’s Oversight Board Recommends Major Advance in International Accountability


Jun 22nd, 2023

Spyware Out of the Shadows: The Need for A New International Regulatory Approach

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May 16th, 2023

Remote Sensing from Space: What Norms Govern?

by , , and

May 5th, 2023

Montana is Trying to Ban TikTok. What Does the First Amendment Have to Say?

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May 4th, 2023

Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom as a Driver for All Human Rights

by , , and

May 3rd, 2023

Restricting Chinese Access to Chips is Only a Partial Solution


Apr 25th, 2023

How Does IHL apply to New Technologies in Outer Space?: Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference


Mar 22nd, 2023

Mind the Gap: The UK is About to Set Problematic Precedents on Content Regulation


Mar 6th, 2023

Starting Bell Rings for U.N. Counterterrorism Negotiations with Big Questions Unanswered

by , and

Feb 28th, 2023

One Year Later, Lessons from Ukraine in Fighting Disinformation


Feb 21st, 2023

The IC’s Biggest Open-Source Intelligence Challenge: Mission Creep


Feb 3rd, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: How Should the Press Cover Democracy?

by , , and

Jan 29th, 2023

It’s Past Time to Take Social Media Content Moderation In-House


Jan 18th, 2023

Regulating Artificial Intelligence Requires Balancing Rights, Innovation


Jan 11th, 2023

The Limits of What Gov’t Can Do About Jan. 6th Committee’s Social Media and Extremism Findings


Jan 10th, 2023

Investigating (Mis)conduct in War is Already Difficult: Will the use of Military AI Make it Harder?


Jan 5th, 2023

2023 Forward: Democracy, Russia-Ukraine War, Tech Policy, Climate Change

by , and

Dec 26th, 2022

UN Counterterrorism and Technology: What Role for Human Rights in Security?

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Nov 23rd, 2022

More Turbulence Ahead for Twitter as the EU’s Digital Services Act Tests Musk’s Vision

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Nov 23rd, 2022

Encryption Helps Ukrainians Resist Russia’s Invasion, but a European Plan Threatens the Underlying Trust Any Tech User Needs


Nov 17th, 2022

Emerging Tech Has a Front-Row Seat at India-Hosted UN Counterterrorism Meeting. What About Human Rights?


Oct 28th, 2022

India’s Abuses at Home Raise Concerns About Its Global Counterterrorism Role


Oct 27th, 2022

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