Department of State

The State Department Should Provide Congress the Dissent Channel Cable on the Afghanistan Withdrawal


Apr 13th, 2023

The Global Fragility Act Takes Another Step Toward Conflict Prevention, But Bigger Strides Remain


Apr 10th, 2023

Congress Can Investigate the Afghanistan Withdrawal Without Compromising a Vital Dissent Channel


Apr 7th, 2023

Transnational Repression Increasingly Reaches Into the United States

by , and

Apr 5th, 2023

To Strengthen US National Security, Diverse Teams Should Be a Given

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Mar 30th, 2023

A Long-Forgotten Law Could Force the U.S. to Re-Evaluate its Relationship with Saudi Arabia


Mar 29th, 2023

Backsliding: Georgia’s Crackdown on Civil Society May Be Just a Start

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Mar 27th, 2023

The Fallacy of US and EU Policy in the Western Balkans


Mar 17th, 2023

Насильницьке переміщення Росією українських цивільних осіб: Громадянське суспільство, підзвітність, справедливість

by , and

Mar 3rd, 2023

Russia’s Forcible Transfers of Ukrainian Civilians: How Civil Society Aids Accountability and Justice

by , and

Mar 3rd, 2023

The US Needs a Strategy for (Human) Security Cooperation

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Feb 9th, 2023

U.S. Guns Are Fueling Violence in Central America, Here’s How to Help Stop the Arms Flow


Feb 1st, 2023

Congress Mandates Sweeping Transparency Reforms for International Agreements

by , and

Dec 23rd, 2022

Shireen Abu Akleh’s Killing Raises Questions about U.S. Security Assistance to Israel

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Dec 16th, 2022

Ralph Bunche and the Birth of UN Peacekeeping


Dec 2nd, 2022

Is Colombia Trapped in “War Mode?” In Wake of Truth Commission, New Leftist Government Recalibrates US Ties


Nov 18th, 2022

Serbia’s Move to Cancel EuroPride Shows How Vučić Plays Off West Against Russia and His Base

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Sep 15th, 2022

Myanmar Junta’s Execution of Activists Casts Harsh Light on Lack of U.S. Sanctions on Oil and Gas


Aug 3rd, 2022

The “Leahy Laws” and U.S. Assistance to Ukraine


May 9th, 2022

How To Fix the Broken Position of U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa


Apr 20th, 2022

With West Africa and Priority Countries Set, Potentially Game-Changing Global Fragility Act Still Faces Hurdles

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Apr 11th, 2022

Haitians Have Built Consensus on a Democratic Way Forward. Why Is an Undemocratic Leader Still in Office?


Feb 7th, 2022

Senate Hearing on Sudan: Is the US Ready for a Needed Reset?


Jan 31st, 2022

Cuando la corrupción no tiene rastro de dinero: las sanciones pasan por alto casos cruciales

by , and

Jan 21st, 2022

When Corruption Has No Money Trail: Sanctions Overlook Crucial Cases

by , and

Jan 19th, 2022

The Impact on Israel’s National Security of Reopening – or Not – of a US Consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem

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Nov 29th, 2021

US Focus on `Open Balkan’ Economic Project Risks Open Season Instead


Nov 11th, 2021

Abuse of Interpol for Transnational Repression: Assessing the FY22 NDAA’s Provisions for Prevention

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Nov 10th, 2021

A Soldier and His Establishment: In the Life of Colin Powell, Who Failed Whom?


Nov 5th, 2021

Afghanistan: The Difficult Chapter Ahead


Oct 12th, 2021

Expert Backgrounder: Recognition and the Taliban

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Aug 17th, 2021

The Top US Diplomat on Arms Control Commits to `Values-Based Security Partnerships’ — Here’s How to Do That


Jul 30th, 2021

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