South Africa v. Israel (ICJ)

The Just Security Podcast: Assessing the Recent Response of International Law and Institutions in Palestine and Israel

by , , , , and

Aug 21st, 2024

We Charge Genocide: Redux


Jul 15th, 2024

“Famine is Setting in”: The International Court of Justice Returns to Gaza


Mar 30th, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Mar. 25-29)


Mar 29th, 2024

Starvation is Starvation is Starvation.


Mar 25th, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Mar. 4–8)


Mar 8th, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Feb. 19-Feb. 23)


Feb 23rd, 2024

“The time for decisive action is now”: Former U.N. Experts Open Letter on Rafah


Feb 22nd, 2024

Taking Stock of ICJ Decisions in the ‘Ukraine v. Russia’ Cases—And implications for South Africa’s case against Israel


Feb 5th, 2024

Between Rhetoric and Effects: The ICJ Provisional Measures Order in South Africa v. Israel

by and

Feb 1st, 2024

Strategic Litigation Takes the International Stage: South Africa v Israel in Its Broader Context


Jan 31st, 2024

Why the ICJ Ruling Misses the Mark: Mitigating Civilian Harm With An Enemy Engaged in Human Shielding

by and

Jan 29th, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: ICJ Provisional Measures in South Africa v. Israel

by , , , and

Jan 26th, 2024

Top Experts’ Views of Int’l Court of Justice Ruling on Israel Gaza Operations (South Africa v Israel, Genocide Convention Case)


Jan 26th, 2024

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Jan. 22-Jan. 26)


Jan 26th, 2024

Unpacking the Int’l Court of Justice Judgment in South Africa v Israel (Genocide Case)

by and

Jan 26th, 2024

International Courts as the Last Hope for Humanity


Jan 24th, 2024

South Africa vs. Israel at the International Court of Justice: A Battle Over Issue-Framing and the Request to Suspend the War

by and

Jan 16th, 2024

How the International Court of Justice Should Stop the War in Gaza


Jan 15th, 2024


by and

Jan 9th, 2024

The Promise and Risk of South Africa’s Case Against Israel

by and

Jan 4th, 2024

Selective Use of Facts and the Gaza Genocide Debate

by and

Jan 2nd, 2024