Saudi Arabia

Former Deputy Assist Sec of Defense: “Glaring” “deficiencies” in Saudi Air Force responsible for civilian casualties in Yemen


Apr 17th, 2017

Contortions in the UK’s Arms Export Regime—and Costs of the Yemen War


Apr 13th, 2017

Did U.S. Provide Helicopter Used in Attack of Somali Refugees in Yemen?

by and

Mar 24th, 2017

U.S. Arms Sale to Saudis Spells Legal Trouble for State Department Officials


Mar 15th, 2017

Hitting Iran Where It Doesn’t Hurt: Why U.S. Intervention in Yemen Will Backfire


Mar 8th, 2017

U.N. Panel of Experts Finds “Widespread Violations” of International Law in Yemen

by and

Feb 28th, 2017

Understanding Complicity: When the US Makes a “Substantial Contribution” to War Crimes Committed by Foreign Partners

by and

Jan 26th, 2017

Five (Overlooked) Decision Points for the Trump Administration in National Security


Jan 4th, 2017

Saudi Arabia Finally Admits to Using Cluster Bombs in Yemen–After Pattern of Denials


Dec 20th, 2016

How Should Governments Evaluate the Actions of States They Assist?


Nov 17th, 2016

Recommended Reading: Brian Finucane’s “Partners and Legal Pitfalls”

by and

Nov 7th, 2016

Who is Responsible for the Yemen Funeral Bombing, and How?

by and

Oct 26th, 2016

If US and UK Have Joined the Fighting in Yemen, What’s Their Duty to Investigate Alleged Saudi War Crimes?


Oct 20th, 2016

Full Text: Saudi-Led Coalition’s Statement of Explanation on Funeral Hall Bombing in Yemen


Oct 15th, 2016

Can States Legally Provide Targeting Assistance to War Criminals?


Oct 7th, 2016

If the Saudi-Led Coalition is Committing War Crimes, the US is Aiding and Abetting Them


Oct 6th, 2016

Does JASTA Violate International Law?


Sep 30th, 2016

Aiding and Abetting for Saudi War Crimes: Lessons from Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project


Sep 28th, 2016

Are the U.S. and U.K. parties to the Saudi-led armed conflict against the Houthis in Yemen?


Sep 22nd, 2016

The Saudi Weapons Block Wouldn’t be the First: Some Past Examples of Halts on US Arms Transfers


Sep 21st, 2016

How the Risk of an Int’l Criminal Court Investigation Should Affect Military Targeting Practices

by and

Sep 15th, 2016

Does the Int’l Criminal Court Have Jurisdiction over Alleged War Crimes by Saudi-Led Coalition in Yemen?


Sep 14th, 2016

Senators Move to Block US Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia


Sep 9th, 2016

UK Parliamentary Committee Draft Report Calls for Pause in Weapons Exports to Saudi Arabia


Sep 7th, 2016

The Law of Aiding and Abetting (Alleged) War Crimes: How to Assess US and UK Support for Saudi Strikes in Yemen


Sep 1st, 2016

Explainer: What Mental State is Required to Commit a War Crime?


Sep 1st, 2016

State Responsibility for Assistance to Foreign Forces (aka How to Assess US-UK Support for Saudi Ops in Yemen)

by and

Aug 31st, 2016

Evaluating Proportionality and Long-Term Civilian Harm under the Laws of War


Aug 29th, 2016

Congress Needs to Press the Pentagon, Saudi Arabia on Abuses in Yemen War


Aug 18th, 2016

The Senate Killed JASTA, Then Passed It…


May 18th, 2016

The Iran Nuclear Interregnum: From Framework to Final Deal


Apr 6th, 2015

Considering Jones v. UK Requires Reflection Not Knee-Jerk Reactions


Jan 16th, 2014

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