
Amid Russia’s Aggression Towards Ukraine, Can Religious Freedom Endure?


May 10th, 2024

The US Can’t Guarantee Armenia’s Security, Despite Azerbaijan’s Threats, But It Can Help

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Mar 14th, 2024

Hazara Women: How Gender and Ethnicity Intersect in the Taliban’s Repression

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Mar 7th, 2024

Beyond Alleged Assassination Plots, India’s Modi is Silencing US Critics Digitally Too


Jan 16th, 2024

Does the US Response to India’s Alleged Extraterritorial Assassination Schemes Signal Impunity?


Jan 10th, 2024

A Roadmap for Implementing Rules on Racial Profiling

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Aug 25th, 2023

West Africa’s Grim Trajectory


Aug 11th, 2023

Coming Soon to a Fascist Get-Together Near You


Jan 25th, 2023

Why Religious Persecution Justifies U.S. Legislation on Crimes Against Humanity


Oct 6th, 2021

How Voter Suppression Laws Impede Religious Liberty: The Next Frontier of Litigation

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May 12th, 2021

Beyond the Coup in Myanmar: Don’t Ignore the Religious Dimensions


May 3rd, 2021

Biden Must Press Pakistan to End Persecution of Religious Minorities


Mar 18th, 2021

Intersecting Religious and Gender-Based Persecution in Yazidi Genocide Case: A Request for an Extension of Charges

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Feb 24th, 2021

Tamils – and Justice – Can’t Wait: The Need for Decisive UN Action on Sri Lanka


Feb 19th, 2021

The CIA’s Long and Winding Road to Diversity


Jul 1st, 2020

A Conversation With U.N. Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed: COVID-19 and Freedom of Belief


Jun 18th, 2020

Pompeo’s “Rights Commission” Is Worse Than Feared: 7 Concerns to Watch

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Apr 16th, 2020

Governors and Mayors, Beware: Lawsuits Opposing Coronavirus Mitigation Orders Are a Real Threat


Apr 15th, 2020

Pompeo’s Commission on Unalienable Rights Looks to Be a “Win-Win” for China

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Mar 23rd, 2020

Pompeo’s “Rights Commission” is Worse Than Feared: Part I

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Mar 13th, 2020

As Trump Returns from India, Others in U.S. Must Press Modi on Rights in Kashmir and Across the Country


Feb 26th, 2020

The Monsey Attack: What’s the basis for the federal charges against Grafton Thomas?


Jan 1st, 2020

Trump’s “Unalienable Rights” Commission Likely to Promote Anti-Rights Agenda 

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Jul 9th, 2019

EXCLUSIVE: Draft Charter of Pompeo’s “Commission on Unalienable Rights” Hides Anti-Human Rights Agenda


Jun 5th, 2019

Criminalizing Speech to Protect Religious Peace? The ECtHR Ruling in E.S. v. Austria

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Nov 28th, 2018

Judge Keenan Identifies the Most Straightforward Reason Why the Entry Ban is Unlawful


May 9th, 2017

Unconstitutional Motives: When US Policies Are Motivated Only in Part by Religious Discrimination


Apr 19th, 2017

“Golden Shield” Oral Arguments Today: Doe v. Cisco


Apr 18th, 2017

…and the Ninth Circuit Weighs Back in on the Original Travel Ban…


Mar 15th, 2017

Hawai’i District Court Grants TRO of the “New” Immigration Executive Order


Mar 15th, 2017

Just Security’s Coverage of Immigration and Refugee Executive Order


Mar 14th, 2017

The “Travel Ban” Executive Order as Separation-of-Powers Test Case


Mar 10th, 2017