
On Empathy, Scholarship, and Political Action: A Response to Lahmann

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Nov 24th, 2021

Desperate Migrants as “Armed Bands”? A Response to Sari and Hudson


Nov 19th, 2021

Stirring Trouble at the Border: Is Belarus in Violation of International Law? – Part 2

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Nov 19th, 2021

Stirring Trouble at the Border: Is Belarus in Violation of International Law? – Part 1

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Nov 16th, 2021

American Society Will Not Abandon Our Afghan Allies


Nov 11th, 2021

The Tigray Conflict at One Year: Ethiopia’s Descent into Famine and Civil War

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Nov 4th, 2021

Failure to Renew Yemen Investigative Mechanism Shows Costs of US Absence from Human Rights Council


Oct 29th, 2021

ASEAN Has Failed on Myanmar. What’s Next?


Oct 27th, 2021

Afghan Refugees in India Highlight the Need for Indian Domestic Refugee Law


Oct 18th, 2021

The United States Is the Only Place for Afghan Allies, Not Foreign Bases

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Aug 14th, 2021

Abandoning Afghan Allies: The Latest Chapter in Shameful History of US in Afghanistan


Aug 14th, 2021

`In Today’s Belarus, Living Outside of Politics is No Longer an Option’


Aug 9th, 2021

Running Out of Time – Do Not Leave Afghan Allies Behind

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Aug 2nd, 2021

With Deliberate Famine Threatening Millions, Tigray Demands Greater Action from the US

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Jun 21st, 2021

Refugee Responsibility Sharing or Responsibility Dumping?

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Jun 18th, 2021

Afghanistan is Facing a Humanitarian Crisis. The US Must Help.


Jun 11th, 2021

Beyond the Coup in Myanmar: The Views of Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh

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Jun 10th, 2021

Beyond the Coup in Myanmar: The ASEAN Way Must Change

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May 14th, 2021

Big Shoulders — How the US Can Remedy Its Failures on Refugee Admissions

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May 10th, 2021

Biden’s First 100 Days on Immigration: A Test of Leadership


Apr 29th, 2021

Indian Supreme Court’s Stance on the Deportation of Rohingya Refugees Violates International Law


Apr 27th, 2021

Biden’s Decision to Pull Troops From Afghanistan Risks a Major Refugee Crisis

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Apr 26th, 2021

Beyond the Coup in Myanmar: Echoes of the Past, Crises of the Moment, Visions of the Future

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Apr 26th, 2021

Biden Approach to Immigration, Outlined at UN Human Rights Council, Leaves Serious Gaps

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Apr 23rd, 2021

Why Must Central American Asylum Seekers Risk Their Lives to Reach the US? There is an Alternative.


Apr 19th, 2021

As Biden Seeks Answers on Climate’s Impact on Migration, Sydney Declaration Provides Legal Ground Rules for Action


Feb 19th, 2021

Ending PACR/HARP: An Urgent Step Toward Restoring Humane Asylum Policy


Feb 16th, 2021

Five Steps the Biden Administration Needs to Take on the Crisis in Tigray

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Feb 5th, 2021

Salvaging US Refugee Law in 2021: The Case for Tackling the Problem of Discretionary Asylum

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Jan 20th, 2021

Australia “Stopped the Boats” But What Happened to the Refugees Who Reached Its Shores?

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Dec 16th, 2020

Protecting Ethiopian Refugees — and Averting the Next Crisis

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Dec 9th, 2020

COVID-19 and International Law Series: States’ Obligations to Refugees and Migrants in Detention

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Dec 2nd, 2020