Protection of civilians

Використання Росією касетних боєприпасів та іншої вибухової зброї свідчить про необхідність посилення захисту цивільного населення


Mar 21st, 2022

Russia’s Use of Cluster Munitions and Other Explosive Weapons Shows Need for Stronger Civilian Protections


Mar 21st, 2022

Гуманітарні коридори в Україні: глухий кут, підступна витівка чи вузький промінь надії?


Mar 8th, 2022

Humanitarian Corridors in Ukraine: Impasse, Ploy or Narrow Passage of Hope?


Mar 8th, 2022

In South Sudan, Keep UN Peacekeepers Focused on Evolving Risks for Civilians


Dec 17th, 2021

Why the UN Needs a Comprehensive “Agenda for Protection”


Sep 20th, 2021

Dispatch from Israel on Human Shields: What I Should’ve Said to a Dad on the Playground


May 18th, 2021

Opportunity Missed: New Zealand Defense Force’s Order on Civilian Harm in Wartime

by and

Mar 31st, 2021

Why We Haven’t Made Progress on Civilian Protection


Feb 3rd, 2021

The Progress Not Made on Protecting Civilians  


Feb 2nd, 2021

Power Politics Obstructs Protection of Civilians in — and After — the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

by and

Feb 2nd, 2021

Human Shields and Proportionality: How Legal Experts Defended War Crimes in Sri Lanka

by and

Nov 12th, 2020

Anticipating the Human Costs of Great Power Conflict

by , , , and

Nov 9th, 2020

Online Symposium on Civilian Casualties: The Law of Prevention and Response


Sep 29th, 2020

Treaty Banning Cluster Munitions Turns 10, but Without the US


Jul 31st, 2020

Getting Serious About Protecting Health Care in War


Jul 28th, 2020

As UN Renews Peacekeeping in Mali, Civilian Protection Requires Ongoing Push for Air Assets


Jun 24th, 2020

Time to Move Beyond the Rhetoric of Protecting Civilians in Conflict


May 26th, 2020

Beyond Reproach: Legal, Political, and Social Implications of the Recent Attack on a Maternity Ward in Afghanistan


May 19th, 2020

Reduction of Civilian Harm in Afghanistan: A Way Forward

by and

Feb 25th, 2020

When Professionalism Mattered: Dissent Against U.S. Policy on Landmines


Feb 18th, 2020

Why the US Military Needs to Rethink How It Investigates Civilian Harm


Feb 13th, 2020

US Should Think Again About Reversing Landmine Policy


Feb 4th, 2020

The UN Yemen Report and Siege Warfare

by , and

Sep 12th, 2019

Focusing on Armed Non-State Actors: Protecting Education in Armed Conflict


Jun 11th, 2019

When War Comes to School

by and

May 29th, 2019

A Step in the Right Direction: Militaries Changing Policies to Stop Using Schools


May 28th, 2019

UN Secretary-General’s Annual Report on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict: An Unequivocal Call for Respect for the Law


May 10th, 2019

“No Sideshow” – The ‘Protection of Civilians’ Agenda Turns 20


May 9th, 2019