Military justice

Train Wreck at Guantánamo


Aug 5th, 2024

The U.S. Military Moves Closer to Just Military Justice – But More Work Remains


Jan 5th, 2024

The Military Justice Provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024: Better Late Than Never


Dec 15th, 2023

The House Closed a Key Loophole in Court-Martial Appeals. Will the Senate Follow?

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Jul 27th, 2023

The Military Justice Provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023


Jan 3rd, 2023

FY22 NDAA: A Missed Opportunity to Improve Military Justice


Dec 8th, 2021

The Missing Kabul Drone Strike Report


Nov 5th, 2021

Professional Criminal Prosecution Versus The Siren Song of Command: The Road to Improve Military Justice


Jun 21st, 2021

What To Do About Lt. General (retired) Flynn: Military Justice and Civil-Military Relations Considerations

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Jun 11th, 2021

Why We Prosecute Wartime Misconduct


Mar 10th, 2021

The Next Judge: US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces’ Looming Vacancy


Mar 1st, 2021

Military Personnel and the Putsch at the U.S. Capitol

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Jan 13th, 2021

Can a Pardon Be a War Crime?: When Pardons Themselves Violate the Laws of War


Dec 24th, 2020

Five Years On: Military Accountability and the Attack on the MSF Trauma Center in Kunduz


Oct 3rd, 2020

Asserting Their Jewish Identity: My Mother’s Testimony in the First Nazi War Crimes Trial, 75 Years Ago


Sep 17th, 2020

Déjà Vu All Over Again: Racial Disparity in the Military Justice System

by and

Sep 14th, 2020

A Solution in Search of a Problem: The Dangerous Invalidity of Divesting Military Commanders of Disposition Authority for Military Criminal Offenses

by , and

Jun 29th, 2020

Who Should Decide: Prosecutorial Discretion and Military Justice

by , and

Jun 29th, 2020

The Military Justice Dimension: Constraints on Military Personnel in Handling Civil Unrest


Jun 3rd, 2020

Jurisdiction at Guantanamo: The Case of Long-Term Complicity


May 28th, 2020

Rube Goldberg and Military Justice


Apr 6th, 2020

Military Justice Reform, the 2020 Pledge, and the President’s Power


Feb 14th, 2020

U.K. Proposes to Limit Accountability for Violations by Armed Forces


Jan 30th, 2020

The Spencer Standoff with Trump over Gallagher Distracts from the Navy’s Real Problems


Dec 2nd, 2019

“Fiat Justitia”: Implications of a Canadian Military Justice Decision for International Justice


Aug 21st, 2019

The American Way of War Includes Fidelity to Law: Preemptive Pardons Break that Code

by , and

May 24th, 2019

Sticking It To Yourself: Preemptive Pardons for Battlefield Crimes Undercut Military Justice and Military Effectiveness


May 20th, 2019

Canadian Supreme Court’s Chance to Reform Its Military Justice System


Mar 24th, 2019

What the Law of Military Obedience Can (and Can’t) Do–What Happens if a President’s Orders are Unlawful?


May 4th, 2018

Episode 45 of the National Security Law Podcast: An Inter-Jurisdictional Cluster-You-Know-What?


Nov 7th, 2017

Your Tweet is My Command


Jul 31st, 2017

U.S. Military Justice and “Operational Mishaps”: A Primer


Apr 24th, 2017