Law of Armed Conflict

How Does IHL apply to New Technologies in Outer Space?: Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference


Mar 22nd, 2023

Armed Conflicts Spread Contaminated Water and Disease: Here’s How to Better Protect Civilians

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Mar 17th, 2023

Are Methods of Naval Warfare at Risk Under “Qualified” Neutrality? Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference


Mar 10th, 2023

Lieber at Sand Creek: A New Critical Reinterpretation of the Laws of War


Mar 3rd, 2023

Dutch Court, Applying IHL, Delivers Civil Judgment for Victims of 2007 Afghanistan Attack


Feb 27th, 2023

Q&A on Russia-Backed Referendums in Eastern Ukraine and International Law

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Sep 24th, 2022

Let’s Talk About Compliance with International Humanitarian Law


Aug 24th, 2022

What Was the International Legal Basis for the Strike on al-Zawahiri?


Aug 9th, 2022

New Armed Conflict in DR Congo: A Renewed Call for Civilian Protection

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Jun 30th, 2022

Defense Dept Law of War Manual and Its Unintended Readings: On Civilians Assuming Risk of Harm

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May 13th, 2022

The Prohibition on Indiscriminate Attacks: The US Position vs. the DoD Law of War Manual


May 3rd, 2022

Ukraine and War Powers: A Legal Explainer


Mar 3rd, 2022

Russia’s “Occupation by Proxy” of Eastern Ukraine – Implications Under the Geneva Conventions


Feb 22nd, 2022

What I Told Congress about U.S. Lethal Strikes


Feb 17th, 2022

Clear Error in the Defense Department’s Law of War Manual: On Presumptions of Civilian Status


Feb 9th, 2022

The Al-Qurayshi Operation and Minimization of Civilian Casualties

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Feb 3rd, 2022

Polemical Pacifism: The Wonkfare of Samuel Moyn


Sep 28th, 2021

Activism and Consequences


Sep 18th, 2021

The Humanity of Michael Ratner, The Fabrications of Samuel Moyn

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Sep 13th, 2021

How to Responsibly End Three Key Rights-Abusing Post-9/11 Policies

by , and

Sep 9th, 2021

Oh, the Humanity


Sep 8th, 2021

Extraterritorial Counterterrorism: Policymaking v. Law


Jul 15th, 2021

Toward a True Account of Collateral Damage in U.S. Military Operations


Jun 23rd, 2021

The IDF Attack on Al Jalaa Tower: Criticisms Are Correct on the Law, But Mistaken in Applying It


May 28th, 2021

The IDF’s Unlawful Attack on Al Jalaa Tower


May 27th, 2021

The Illegality of Targeting Civilians by Way of Belligerent Reprisal: Implications for U.S. Nuclear Doctrine

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May 10th, 2021

Renouncing Reprisals: An Opportunity for the Biden Administration


Apr 1st, 2021

Germany’s Positions on International Law in Cyberspace Part II


Mar 10th, 2021

Principles for a 2021 Authorization for Use of Military Force

by , , and

Mar 5th, 2021

To End the Forever Wars, Rein in the Drones


Feb 16th, 2021

Avoiding Collateral Damage on the Battlefield

by , and

Feb 11th, 2021

Why Guantánamo Detainees Should Have Access to COVID Vaccines Part I: Law of Armed Conflict and Good Policy

by , and

Feb 1st, 2021

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