Law enforcement

The Méndez Principles: The Need to Update the Army Field Manual on Interrogation for the 21st Century

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Jun 11th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: Emergence and Global Expansion of Non-Coercive Interviewing

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Jun 8th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: Science Shows Interrogation is Too Serious for Amateurs


Jun 3rd, 2021

The Méndez Principles: A New Standard for Effective Interviewing by Police and Others, While Respecting Human Rights

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Jun 1st, 2021

The Méndez Principles: Leadership to Transform Interrogation via Science, Law, and Ethics

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Jun 1st, 2021

Reckoning with State-Sanctioned Racial Violence: Lessons from the Tulsa Race Massacre


May 29th, 2021

The Guilty Verdict in the Chauvin Trial Did Not Cure America’s Over-policing Problem


May 4th, 2021

Key Takeaways From Latest FISA Court Opinion on Section 702 and FBI Warrantless Queries


Apr 28th, 2021

Lack of Officials’ Cultural Competency Will Hamper Hate Crimes Laws


Apr 5th, 2021

Policing in Nigeria and the US: When Domestic Issues and Foreign Policy Connect

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Feb 10th, 2021

To Prevent Domestic Terrorism, the US Needs Community Reporting That Protects Civil Liberties

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Feb 9th, 2021

Social Media Video Evidence in Impeachment Trial: Lessons from International Tribunals


Feb 5th, 2021

The Capitol Assault and the Continuing Threat: A Podcast Conversation with Elizabeth Neumann


Jan 30th, 2021

Guardrails Needed for FBI Access to Social Media Monitoring

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Jan 26th, 2021

Gaps in Trump’s Pardons: How the Biden Administration Can Still Pursue Justice


Jan 24th, 2021

MLK Believed “No Justice, No Peace”


Jan 18th, 2021

Tragedy at the Capitol: Four Questions that Demand Answers


Jan 9th, 2021

Criminalizing Foreign Relations: How the Biden Administration Can Prevent a Global Arrest Game


Dec 18th, 2020

Polish Government’s Attacks on Rule of Law Violate Not Only EU Norms but International Law


Dec 11th, 2020

Revitalizing US Democracy Starts with Repairing the Right to Peaceful Assembly

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Dec 9th, 2020

Defense Policy Negotiations Near Completion in Congress, With Human Rights Provisions in Play


Nov 25th, 2020

Destroying Federal Documents During a Presidential Transition Is a Federal Crime


Nov 5th, 2020

Easing Election-Related Tensions: Lessons for the US from Elections Abroad


Nov 1st, 2020

Good Governance Paper No. 19: The Criminal Legal System — Toward a Paradigm Shift


Nov 1st, 2020

App Stores as Back-Doors for Government Regulation of End-to-End Encryption


Oct 15th, 2020

In the Drive to Curb Police Abuses, Rein in Their Tech Too


Aug 7th, 2020

New Technologies, New Problems – Troubling Surveillance Trends in America

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Aug 6th, 2020

Police Violence at Home Requires a Rethink of U.S. Foreign Policy and Assistance Abroad


Aug 4th, 2020

Defund America’s Endless Wars


Jul 29th, 2020

Politically Motivated Prosecutions Part II: Refuse, Report, Resign

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Jul 28th, 2020

Politically-Motivated Prosecutions Part I: Legal Obligations and Ethical Duties of Prosecutors

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Jul 27th, 2020

Portland’s Pretext: Barr’s Long History Manipulating Law to Put Federal Forces on U.S. Streets

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Jul 19th, 2020

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