International Law

Iran’s Leaders Preserve the Republic With a Hybrid of International and Islamic Law


Jan 16th, 2020

Top DoD Lawyer Stresses U.S. Compliance with the Rule of Law in Military Operations


Nov 8th, 2019

U.S. Offensive Cyber Operations against Economic Cyber Intrusions: An International Law Analysis – Part II


Jul 16th, 2019

Self-Defense in International Law: What Level of Evidence?


Jul 8th, 2019

Deconstructing the Int’l Criminal Court’s Decision on Afghanistan


Apr 24th, 2019

A Congo War Crimes Decision: What It Means for Universal Jurisdiction Litigation in Germany and Beyond

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Jan 11th, 2019

How Far Can a Rogue Kremlin Push International Law?


Dec 13th, 2018

10 Ways the U.S. Can Curb Interpol Abuses


Dec 11th, 2018

Letter to the Editor: How About Some Regulation of the Mercenary Industry?


Oct 23rd, 2018

Trump Gets “Presumption of Innocence” Wrong on Saudi Responsibility for Khashoggi Disappearance


Oct 18th, 2018

To Undermine the ICC, Bolton’s Targets Extend Way Beyond the Court


Sep 24th, 2018

It’s a Start – Why the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration Matter


Sep 12th, 2018

U.N. Peace Operations Should Get Off the Counter-Terror Bandwagon

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Sep 4th, 2018

“ISIS Widows” and “Boko Haram Wives”: Overlooked Abuses in Iraq and Nigeria

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Aug 23rd, 2018

How the U.S. and EU’s Cooperation with Sudan Rubberstamps Bad Behavior


Jul 30th, 2018

The Challenge of Foreign Assistance for Anti-ISIS Detention Operations


Jul 23rd, 2018

Just Security Podcast: Shaheed Fatima QC on Protecting Children in Armed Conflict


Jul 20th, 2018

“We Could Hold Them for 100 Years If the Conflict Lasts for 100 Years”


Jul 17th, 2018

Protecting Civilians in Cyberspace: Ideas for the Road Ahead

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Jul 3rd, 2018

A Belief Shattered: The International Criminal Court’s Bemba Acquittal

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Jun 25th, 2018

In Saudi Arabia, Countering Terrorism Becomes Chimera for Rights Abuses

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Jun 18th, 2018

Syria: Where Civilians Became a Commodity for Settling Accounts


Jun 6th, 2018

Both the US’s Cloud Act and Europe’s GDPR Move Far Beyond Geography, but Will Not Solve Transatlantic Jurisdictional Conflicts

by and

Jun 4th, 2018

Policy and Legal Implications of European Court’s Ruling on CIA “Black Sites”


Jun 1st, 2018

Understanding the Fog of Law: Enduring Ambiguities in International Security Law


May 30th, 2018

AI, Law of Armed Conflict, and “Liminal” Conflict Among Technological Peer Great Powers


May 14th, 2018

Navigating the Terrain at the Intersection of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law


May 11th, 2018

The Fog of Law and the Jus Ad Bellum


May 9th, 2018

In Defense of Sovereignty in Cyberspace


May 8th, 2018

Common Article 1 and the U.S. Duty to Ensure Respect for the Geneva Conventions in Yemen

by , , , and

Apr 26th, 2018

State Responsibility for U.S. Support of the Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen

by , , , and

Apr 25th, 2018

Treaty Based Limitations on the Article 12 Jurisdiction of the Int’l Criminal Court


Apr 23rd, 2018

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