International Law

Mexico Appeals in Case Against Gun Manufacturers


Apr 4th, 2023

Запитання та відповіді експертів щодо конфіскації активів у війні Росії проти України


Apr 3rd, 2023

Expert Q&A on Asset Seizure in Russia’s War in Ukraine


Apr 3rd, 2023

Why the European Commission’s Proposal for Russian State Asset Seizure Should be Abandoned


Mar 23rd, 2023

How Does IHL apply to New Technologies in Outer Space?: Expert Q&A from Stockton Center’s Russia-Ukraine Conference


Mar 22nd, 2023

The Russian Intercept of the U.S. Reaper and International Law


Mar 15th, 2023

Just Security Podcast: Spies, Balloons, and International Law

by , , and

Mar 10th, 2023

Lieber at Sand Creek: A New Critical Reinterpretation of the Laws of War


Mar 3rd, 2023

Рік потому: якщо Україна не вистоїть, глобальні наслідки переслідуватимуть багато поколінь світу


Feb 24th, 2023

One Year On: If Ukraine Falls, the Global Consequences Will Haunt the World for Generations


Feb 24th, 2023

Just Security Podcast: A Year in Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Forging a US Response

by , , , and

Feb 24th, 2023

The Ecocide Wave is Already Here: National Momentum and the Value of a Model Law


Feb 23rd, 2023

Introducing the Symposium on U.S. Support for the ICC’s Trust Fund for Victims

by , , , , , , and

Feb 13th, 2023

Вид трибуналу грає важливу роль для оцінки імунітетів у Спеціальному трибуналі щодо агресії проти України

by and

Feb 1st, 2023

In Evaluating Immunities before a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine, the Type of Tribunal Matters

by and

Feb 1st, 2023

The Limits of Remote Warfare: Aligning Values with Interests


Jan 18th, 2023

Poland’s Position on International Law and Cyber Operations: Sovereignty and Third-Party Countermeasures


Jan 18th, 2023

Україна та Нідерланди очікують ключових рішень в справах проти Росії за роки війни


Jan 13th, 2023

Ukraine, Netherlands Await Pivotal Rulings in Cases Against Russia from Previous Years of War


Jan 13th, 2023

Forced Abortion as an International Crime: Recent Reports from Northern Nigeria

by and

Dec 23rd, 2022

Dutch Court, in Life Sentences: Russia Had “Overall Control” of Forces in Eastern Ukraine Downing of Flight MH17


Dec 19th, 2022

Just Security Experts Give Address at Int’l Criminal Court’s Assembly of State Parties Side Event


Dec 7th, 2022

Watch This Space: Momentum Toward an International Crime of Ecocide

by and

Dec 5th, 2022

Історична резолюція Генеральної Асамблеї ООН закликає до виплати репарацій Україні

by , , and

Nov 16th, 2022

Historic UNGA Resolution Calls for Ukraine Reparations

by , , and

Nov 16th, 2022

Amid the Russia-Ukraine War, a Dutch Court Prepares to Rule on Four Suspects in the 2014 Downing of Flight MH17


Nov 15th, 2022

Tackling Climate Change Displacement at COP27

by and

Nov 14th, 2022

Regarding Pathways of International Accountability for Violence Against Journalists


Nov 11th, 2022

Право міжнародних договорів у воєнний час: приклад Чорноморської зернової ініціативи

by and

Nov 10th, 2022

The Law of Treaties in Wartime: The Case of the Black Sea Grain Initiative

by and

Nov 10th, 2022

Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України

by and

Nov 8th, 2022

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Committed Against Ukraine (Part VI): On the Non-Applicability of Personal Immunities

by and

Nov 8th, 2022

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