International Law

Reparations for Ukraine: Three Proposals from Europe


Feb 26th, 2024

Israel, the United States, and the Fourth Geneva Convention


Feb 23rd, 2024

Міжнародне право в умовах російської агресії в Україні: Погляд зі Львова

by , and

Feb 22nd, 2024

International Law in the Face of Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine: The View from Lviv

by , and

Feb 22nd, 2024

Sovereign Immunity and Reparations in Ukraine


Feb 21st, 2024

Decisions Without Enforcement: Ukrainian Judiciary and Compensation for War Damages


Feb 21st, 2024

How to Make Russia Pay to Rebuild Ukraine

by , and

Feb 20th, 2024

As Senate Considers New Ambassador to Burkina Faso, Human Rights Focus Would Strengthen US Policy

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Feb 14th, 2024

Taking Stock of ICJ Decisions in the ‘Ukraine v. Russia’ Cases—And implications for South Africa’s case against Israel


Feb 5th, 2024

Assessing the DoD Law of War Manual’s Approach to Treaties and Customary International Law


Jan 10th, 2024

A Leader is Brought to Justice 41 Years Later in Suriname


Jan 4th, 2024

Selective Use of Facts and the Gaza Genocide Debate

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Jan 2nd, 2024

AI Governance in the Age of Uncertainty: International Law as a Starting Point

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Jan 2nd, 2024

Nine Stories That Deserved More Attention in 2023 – and That May Shape 2024


Dec 29th, 2023

U.S. Policymakers’ Lessons from Yemen for Gaza

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Dec 22nd, 2023

The Imminent Risk of Genocide in Darfur: Never Again Cannot Become a Relic of the Past

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Dec 7th, 2023

A Plea to the International Law Community: On De-Humanizing and the October 7th Atrocities


Dec 4th, 2023

In Gaza, Catastrophic Violence of War and Slow Violence of Oppression Collide


Nov 8th, 2023

The Discomforts of Politics: What Future for Atrocity Prevention?


Oct 31st, 2023

US Lethal Strikes Program Continues to Violate Int’l Human Rights Law

by , , , , and

Oct 27th, 2023

US Regresses on Torture and Guantanamo at Treaty Review

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Oct 26th, 2023

War on Water Prolongs Misery in Gaza


Oct 17th, 2023

International Law was Key to Solving the Cold War’s Greatest Crisis. It Still Provides Lessons for Managing Crises Today.


Oct 16th, 2023

In the Case Against Syria, a New Tool for Enforcing Human Rights

by , and

Oct 9th, 2023

Поступки щодо територій, правопорядку та світового миру: доля міжнародного права спочиває на кордонах України

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Oct 6th, 2023

Compromises on Territory, Legal Order, and World Peace: The Fate of International Law Lies on Ukraine’s Borders

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Oct 6th, 2023

Tracking UNGA 78: Notable Moments and Key Themes

by , and

Sep 27th, 2023

The Future Battlefield: Governed by International Law or Kriegsraison?


Sep 21st, 2023

How the Expansion of “Self-Defense” Has Undermined Constraints on the Use of Force


Sep 18th, 2023

Racial Justice Without Affirmative Action: Embracing International Law after SFFA v. Harvard

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Aug 31st, 2023

An International Law Assessment of ECOWAS’ Threat to Use Force in Niger


Aug 16th, 2023

A Significant New Step in the Creation of An International Compensation Mechanism for Ukraine

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Jul 27th, 2023

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