International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)

Liberia’s Post-War Struggle for Accountability, Justice, and Healing


Jun 3rd, 2024

Three Options for Designing a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

by , , , and

Mar 21st, 2024

Legal, Political, and Administrative Considerations for Establishing a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

by , , , and

Mar 18th, 2024

Consolidating the Aftermath of Justice – The Idea of a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

by , , , and

Mar 13th, 2024

Introducing the Symposium on the Creation of a Single Residual Mechanism for Atrocity Crimes

by , , , and

Mar 13th, 2024

Kosovo Specialist Chambers and the Unappreciated Necessity of Contempt Proceedings in International Criminal Accountability


Nov 21st, 2023

Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України


Sep 26th, 2022

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine (Part III)


Sep 26th, 2022

Визначення геноциду та Україна: запитання та відповіді з колишнім послом Тоддом Бухвальдом


Jun 14th, 2022

Genocide Determinations and Ukraine: A Q&A with Fmr. Ambassador Todd Buchwald


Jun 14th, 2022

Beyond a “Hate Crime”: “Replacement” Rhetoric and the Genocide Worry


May 31st, 2022

Expanding Justice for Gender-Based Crimes with a Treaty on Crimes Against Humanity

by and

Sep 29th, 2021

The Relay Race of Defining Crimes Against Humanity – From the International Tribunals to the Draft Articles


Sep 27th, 2021

National Security at the United Nations This Week (May 29-June 5)


Jun 5th, 2020

And Then There Were Seven: Rwandan Félicien Kabuga Arrested in France


May 18th, 2020

Understanding Complicity: When the US Makes a “Substantial Contribution” to War Crimes Committed by Foreign Partners

by and

Jan 26th, 2017

From Paris to Africa


Nov 24th, 2015

Top 10 Year in Review: International Criminal Justice


Dec 31st, 2014