Human Rights

Liberian War Crimes Claims Survive in Alien Tort Statute Case

by , , and

Feb 27th, 2019

“Just fall, that is all!” Is Sudan on the Brink of Change?


Feb 25th, 2019

When Human Trafficking and Terrorism Connect: Dangers and Dilemmas


Feb 22nd, 2019

Why Trump Needs to Raise Human Rights with North Korea’s Kim


Feb 20th, 2019

Human Rights Law and U.S. Military Operations in Foreign Countries: The Prohibition on Arbitrary Deprivation of Life


Feb 19th, 2019

Avoiding the Next Yemen: Applying Hard Lessons for Security Partnerships

by and

Feb 6th, 2019

To Presidential Candidates Drafting Platforms: Restore U.S. Human Rights Leadership


Jan 30th, 2019

“We are all Darfur!” – Sudan’s Unity Protests Stand a Real Chance. Time for the West to Step Up

by and

Jan 29th, 2019

The Hidden Danger of User-Generated Evidence for International Criminal Justice


Jan 23rd, 2019

The ICC Acquittal of Gbagbo: What Next for Crimes against Humanity?


Jan 18th, 2019

U.S. Congress Should Stop Security Assistance to Guatemala Until Rule of Law is Restored


Jan 17th, 2019

For Enduring Peace, Colombia Must Protect Advocates for Rights and Prosecute War Crimes

by and

Jan 16th, 2019

In 2019, Will the Global March of Authoritarianism Turn Into a Stampede … or a Slog?


Jan 14th, 2019

Int’l Human Rights Law and Trump’s Invocation of Emergency Powers


Jan 14th, 2019

5 Reasons to be Hopeful About Human Rights in 2019


Jan 3rd, 2019

Russia’s Tightening Control of Cyberspace Within its Borders


Dec 24th, 2018

Protesters in Hungary Call Out Labor Rights – and Rule of Law


Dec 20th, 2018

The Self-Defeating Absence of the U.S. at the U.N. Business and Human Rights Forum


Dec 19th, 2018

10 Ways the U.S. Can Curb Interpol Abuses


Dec 11th, 2018

George H.W. Bush’s Persian Gulf War: Victory, With Tragedy


Dec 7th, 2018

Upcoming “Caravan” Hearing Will Continue International Scrutiny of U.S. Immigration Policy


Dec 4th, 2018

Criminalizing Speech to Protect Religious Peace? The ECtHR Ruling in E.S. v. Austria

by and

Nov 28th, 2018

Misogynist Apartheid — Saudi Arabia’s Original Human Rights Sin


Nov 13th, 2018

From Brunson to Khashoggi, Global Magnitsky Sanctions Score a Mixed Record of Firsts


Nov 9th, 2018

Ensuring a Human Rights-Compliant Approach to the Challenge of Foreign Fighters


Nov 7th, 2018

Need for Change to Protect Children in Armed Conflict

by and

Nov 2nd, 2018

The New ‘Welfare Queen’: Donald Meet Ronald, Ronald Meet Donald

by and

Oct 23rd, 2018

The U.N. Security Council’s Outsized Role in Shaping Counter Terrorism Regulation and Its Impact on Human Rights


Oct 19th, 2018

Trump Gets “Presumption of Innocence” Wrong on Saudi Responsibility for Khashoggi Disappearance


Oct 18th, 2018

Trump Administration Missed Crucial Opportunity This Summer to Rein In Saudi Arabia


Oct 17th, 2018

European Counter-Terrorism Approaches: A Slow and Insidious Erosion of Fundamental Rights


Oct 17th, 2018

U.S. Should Condition Saudi Membership in Elite Financial Club on Progress Prosecuting Terrorists and Observing the Rule of Law

by and

Oct 13th, 2018

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