
What Comes Next After a Guantanamo Detainee’s Habeas Win


Oct 21st, 2021

Ruminations on the Abu Zubaydah Supreme Court Oral Argument: Three Surprising Turns


Oct 18th, 2021

Activism and Consequences


Sep 18th, 2021

Video: Roads Not Taken – Reflections on the 9/11 Anniversary

by and

Sep 14th, 2021

The Humanity of Michael Ratner, The Fabrications of Samuel Moyn

by and

Sep 13th, 2021

Paradigm Shift: The Consequences of Choosing a War Path, and Leaving It


Sep 11th, 2021

How to Responsibly End Three Key Rights-Abusing Post-9/11 Policies

by , and

Sep 9th, 2021

What the U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan Could Mean for Guantanamo Detainees and the Due Process Clause


Sep 1st, 2021

Nuremberg Prosecutor says Guantanamo Military Commissions Don’t Measure Up

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Aug 24th, 2021

Extraterritorial Counterterrorism: Policymaking v. Law


Jul 15th, 2021

What the US Government Brief Should Have Said in Al-Hela: On Guantanamo and Due Process


Jul 12th, 2021

State Secrets and the Torture of Abu Zubaydah


Jun 16th, 2021

Torture Evidence and the Guantanamo Military Commissions


May 26th, 2021

Stopping Torture: Why Professional Governance Failed, and How It Can Do Better


May 4th, 2021

A Letter to President Biden from a Former Intelligence Officer: Close Guantanamo Bay


Apr 29th, 2021

Biden Team’s Litigation Tactics on Guantanamo Undercut Biden Policy to Close the Prison

by , and

Apr 21st, 2021

Upcoming Cases Provide Opportunities to Reassess the Application of the Due Process Clause at Guantanamo


Mar 3rd, 2021

National Security Last Week at the United Nations (Feb. 19-26)


Feb 26th, 2021

Why Guantánamo Detainees Should Have Access to COVID Vaccines Part II: Federal Law and DoD Policies

by , and

Feb 4th, 2021

Why Guantánamo Detainees Should Have Access to COVID Vaccines Part I: Law of Armed Conflict and Good Policy

by , and

Feb 1st, 2021

How to Fix the U.S. Litigation Position in Key Pending Cases

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Jan 27th, 2021

On Guantanamo’s 19th Anniversary, A Renewed Call to Close It


Jan 11th, 2021

We Can’t “Look Forward” on the Trump Administration’s Abuses


Dec 11th, 2020

On Accountability and the Next Presidency, Starting With the Cabinet

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Nov 23rd, 2020

A Path for Renewing Guantanamo Closure


Nov 17th, 2020

Prosecuting the ISIS “Beatles:” A testament to dedicated US government professionalism


Oct 9th, 2020

Toward a New Approach to National and Human Security: Close Guantanamo and End Indefinite Detention

by , , , , and

Sep 11th, 2020

Toward a New Approach to National and Human Security: Introduction

by , and

Sep 11th, 2020

The D.C. Circuit, Conspiracy, and the Guantanamo Military Commissions: Third Time’s the Charm?


Sep 4th, 2020

IACHR Condemns Guantánamo Abuses in First “War on Terror” Decision


Jul 7th, 2020

Crises of Accountability for U.S. Systemic Abuses of Power

by , and

Jun 26th, 2020

Jurisdiction at Guantanamo: The Case of Long-Term Complicity


May 28th, 2020

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