
The Last Days in Afghanistan Should Not Deter Biden from Looking Beyond the 9/11 Paradigm


Sep 22nd, 2021

In Afghanistan, Lest We Forget


Aug 16th, 2021

America’s Democracy Moment


Jul 1st, 2021

Why Supporters of Democracy and Security Both Need to Care about Security Sector Governance


Jun 4th, 2021

A Pending Decision Pits Peace vs. Democracy in the Philippines


Jun 3rd, 2021

Want the Summit for Democracy to Develop Solutions? Include Local Governments

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May 19th, 2021

A Just Exit from Afghanistan

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May 12th, 2021

High-Level US Attention Needed for a Backsliding Democracy in Central Asia


Apr 22nd, 2021

Gender Equality is Fundamental to Promoting Democracy

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Apr 7th, 2021

Overlooking the Policy Connections: Fragility, Democracy, and Geopolitical Competition


Apr 6th, 2021

In India, US Defense Secretary Austin Must Not Overlook Its Democratic Decline

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Mar 16th, 2021

Is the US Doubling Down on Division in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

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Mar 15th, 2021

Policing in Nigeria and the US: When Domestic Issues and Foreign Policy Connect

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Feb 10th, 2021

Violent Extremism and the Governance Challenge


Jan 29th, 2021

Serbia’s Delicate Dance with the EU and China

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Dec 22nd, 2020

As China Promotes Authoritarian Model, the Resilience of Its Democratic Targets is Key

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Dec 18th, 2020

Pandemic Consequences: The Acceleration of Confrontational Politics

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Dec 17th, 2020

Libya: Subnational Governance as a Potential Anchor of Stability

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Dec 2nd, 2020

Mali: The “Good” Coup d’État?


Nov 19th, 2020

Think Beyond the Beltway — Bring Mayors and Governors to the Foreign Policy Table

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Oct 20th, 2020

Amnesty International Calls for India to Lift Account Freeze to Resume Vital Human Rights Work


Oct 10th, 2020

Shaky Hands in the Oval Office


Oct 9th, 2020

Ethiopian Democracy Veers Off Track: What’s at Stake


Sep 28th, 2020

Lebanon’s Peace Cartel is Irredeemable – How Donors Choose to Help Can Tip the Scales


Aug 12th, 2020

The Demise of Government: The Grim Task of Undoing Trump’s Damage

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Jul 1st, 2020

Make Democracy and Governance a Keystone of the US Global Fragility Strategy

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Jun 18th, 2020

What a “Feminist” Approach to Fighting COVID-19 Might Have Achieved

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May 28th, 2020

Pandemics and the Need for Global Governance


May 1st, 2020

After Elections in a Country at War, Another Battle for Ukraine’s Future Still Needs Support

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Mar 29th, 2019

Why Violent Extremism Still Spreads

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Mar 11th, 2019