
Truth, Trust, and AI: Justice and Accountability for International Crimes in the Era of Digital Deception

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Jun 17th, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: Courtroom Views from Inside Trump’s New York Criminal Trial

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May 24th, 2024

How Prosecutors Turned Michael Cohen’s Greatest Liabilities into Their Assets


May 21st, 2024

Visualizing ‘Hush Money’: How Trump’s Complex Payoffs Sparked 34 Election-Related Criminal Charges


Mar 25th, 2024

As Donald Trump’s Trial Looms, Alvin Bragg Doesn’t Think Jurors Need to See Rudy Giuliani’s Hannity Gaffe


Mar 8th, 2024

‘The Hour These Hostilities Began’: Ukrainians Mobilize to Document War Crimes


Apr 26th, 2022

«Година, коли почалися бойові дії»: українці мобілізуються задля документування воєнних злочинів


Apr 26th, 2022

Виправте закон США про обмін цифровими доказами щоб забезпечити притягнення до відповідальності за звірства

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Apr 20th, 2022

To Support Accountability for Atrocities, Fix U.S. Law on the Sharing of Digital Evidence

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Apr 20th, 2022

Mass Graves in Ukraine Should Be Treated as Crime Scenes – and Urgently Secured

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Apr 6th, 2022

Масові поховання в Україні слід розглядати як місце скоєння злочину – і терміново убезпечувати

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Apr 6th, 2022

Розслідування МКС в Україні: краш-тест для доказів, створених користувачами

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Mar 2nd, 2022

The Int’l Criminal Court’s Ukraine Investigation: A Test Case for User-Generated Evidence

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Mar 2nd, 2022

What the Afghanistan Withdrawal Teaches Us About Safeguarding Human Rights Evidence


Nov 5th, 2021

Incorporating Digital Technology in the Investigation of International Crimes: Lessons from the Democratic Republic of Congo

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Oct 14th, 2021

Social Media Video Evidence in Impeachment Trial: Lessons from International Tribunals


Feb 5th, 2021

On El Salvador’s 1981 El Mozote Massacre, President Bukele Sides With Impunity


Oct 28th, 2020

The UN Guidelines on “Battlefield” Evidence and Terrorist Offences: A Frame, a Monet, or a Patchwork?


Aug 21st, 2020

The UN Security Council Is About to Dangerously Undermine Fair Trial Guarantees


Aug 20th, 2020

Guantanamo’s Ugly Taint on U.S. Diplomacy


Feb 13th, 2020

There Is No Reason to Exclude Evidence in an Impeachment Trial on Grounds of Hearsay


Jan 28th, 2020

Hearsay and the Impeachment Trial


Jan 24th, 2020

The Senate Must Conduct an Impeachment Trial That Is Serious and Fair


Dec 19th, 2019

Self-Defense in International Law: What Level of Evidence?


Jul 8th, 2019

The Hidden Danger of User-Generated Evidence for International Criminal Justice


Jan 23rd, 2019

The Importance of Professional Expertise in Gathering Evidence of Mass Atrocities


Oct 27th, 2017

The ICC’s New Libya Case: Extraterritorial Evidence for an Extraterritorial Court


Aug 23rd, 2017

Sparring Over the 9/11 Trial Recusal Motion


Jun 3rd, 2016

“Your Account May Have Been Targeted by State-Sponsored Actors”: Attribution and Evidence of State-Sponsored Cyberattacks


Jan 11th, 2016