
Whistleblower Documents Show Problems in Twitter’s Handling of ‘Election Integrity’


Aug 25th, 2022

Independent State Legislatures and Presidential Elections: Addressing Misconceptions About Current Law and Prospects for Reform

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Aug 16th, 2022

Banning Content Platforms is Not a Solution to Hate Speech on the Internet, Even When the Platform is Meta


Aug 9th, 2022

Tunisians, Fed Up With `Non-Delivering Democracy,’ Set to Vote on Retrograde Constitution: Civil Society’s Role


Jul 23rd, 2022

Anti-Coup Strategies Should Address Civilian Coup Allies

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Jul 20th, 2022

Путін розглядає політичну кризу в Італії з точки зору потенційної вигоди для послаблення підтримки України


Jul 19th, 2022

Putin Eyes Italy’s Political Crisis for Potential Benefits in Peeling Away Support for Ukraine


Jul 19th, 2022

US Democracy’s Survival Requires a More Powerful Response to January 6th


Jul 15th, 2022

A Historical Perspective on Alternate Electors: Lessons from Hayes-Tiden


Jul 7th, 2022

The Independent State Legislature Theory Should Horrify Supreme Court’s Originalists


Jun 30th, 2022

For US Independence Day, January 6th Hearings Reveal Authoritarianism’s Achilles Heel


Jun 30th, 2022

Colombia’s Presidential Transition Will Test the Region’s Left and US-Latin America Relations


Jun 22nd, 2022

Backgrounder on Alternate Electors Scheme: Federal and State Criminal Investigations, and Civil Suits


Jun 16th, 2022

Preventing the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Mali from Falling into Irrelevance


Jun 16th, 2022

Researchers Release Comprehensive Twitter Dataset of False Claims About The 2020 Election


Jun 15th, 2022

The US Needs a Global Anti-Coup Strategy

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Jun 1st, 2022

Colombia’s `Second Independence?’ Likely Left Victory Marks Historic Shift


May 25th, 2022

In Lebanon, Elections Bring Cautious Hope – and an Uphill Battle for Reforms

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May 12th, 2022

Internal Palestinian Divisions and Their Consequences


May 12th, 2022

Trump’s Next Presidential Coup Attempt Could Work


May 10th, 2022

US, EU Face Higher Hurdles Now for Action Against Orbán’s Tightening Grip in Hungary


May 10th, 2022

Draft Trump Executive Order Shows How False Foreign Interference Claims May Be Used to Undermine U.S. Elections


Apr 8th, 2022

Election in India’s Largest State Accelerates Anti-Muslim Hate Speech and Violence


Feb 14th, 2022

State and Local Solutions Are Integral to Protect Election Officials and Democracy

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Feb 9th, 2022

Haitians Have Built Consensus on a Democratic Way Forward. Why Is an Undemocratic Leader Still in Office?


Feb 7th, 2022

Renewing U.S. Investments in Women’s Political Leadership

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Feb 2nd, 2022

Election Subversion and Electoral Count Act Reform


Feb 2nd, 2022

Combatting Authoritarianism: The Skills and Infrastructure Needed to Organize Across Difference

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Jan 27th, 2022

Mining Parler and Mapping the “Stop the Steal” Campaign

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Jan 6th, 2022

Taking Stock: Accountability for January 6th and the Risks of Recurrence

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Jan 6th, 2022

Timeline for Anniversary of January 5: DOJ Election Fraud Investigations and GA Senate Runoff

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Jan 5th, 2022

In South Sudan, Keep UN Peacekeepers Focused on Evolving Risks for Civilians


Dec 17th, 2021