
The Biden Administration’s China Policy: An Inventory of Actions to Address the Challenge 


Jul 8th, 2022

Colombia’s Presidential Transition Will Test the Region’s Left and US-Latin America Relations


Jun 22nd, 2022

Faltering Investigations into Deaths and Torture in Kazakhstan Leave Accountability in Doubt


Jun 22nd, 2022

Preventing the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Mali from Falling into Irrelevance


Jun 16th, 2022

South Sudan: The Road to a Living Hell, Paved with Peace Deals

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Jun 13th, 2022

Western Hemisphere Migration is a Long-Term Challenge

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Jun 3rd, 2022

The US Needs a Global Anti-Coup Strategy

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Jun 1st, 2022

Russia’s Nuclear Threat Inflation: Misguided and Dangerous

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May 31st, 2022

Using the 1933 Soviet Definition of Aggression to Condemn Russia Today


May 24th, 2022

Використання радянського визначення агресії 1933 року для засудження Росії сьогодні


May 24th, 2022

With New Global Fragility Act, US Must Avoid Past Mistakes and Let Haitians Control Their Own Democracy


May 19th, 2022

In Alliance with Poland, U.S. Must Emphasize Refugee Protection


May 11th, 2022

To Check Iran’s Missiles, JCPOA Re-Entry is a Must

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May 2nd, 2022

Reviving an Idea for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Disengage, then Engage

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Apr 21st, 2022

How To Fix the Broken Position of U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa


Apr 20th, 2022

Strengthening Democracy With the Global Fragility Act: Getting Political Transformation Right

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Apr 19th, 2022

How the War in Ukraine Illustrates the Weakness of US Policy Toward Africa


Apr 18th, 2022

Top Cover: Congressional Republicans Pave Way for US Policy Shift on Int’l Criminal Court


Apr 13th, 2022

With West Africa and Priority Countries Set, Potentially Game-Changing Global Fragility Act Still Faces Hurdles

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Apr 11th, 2022

В Україні немає швидких вирішень проблем


Apr 8th, 2022

In Ukraine, There Are No Quick Fixes


Apr 8th, 2022

Embracing Autocrats to Help Ukraine Is a Losing Proposition


Mar 25th, 2022

Does the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ Require States to go to War with Russia?


Mar 25th, 2022

Why Pushing Russia Out of Multilateral Institutions is Not a Solution to the War


Mar 22nd, 2022

From Chechnya to Crimea, Putin Saw Green Light for His Assault on the World Order

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Mar 18th, 2022

Переплетіння відповідальності та дипломатії в контексті війни Росії в Україні


Mar 15th, 2022

The Intersection of Accountability and Diplomacy in Addressing Russia’s War in Ukraine


Mar 15th, 2022

The Operational and Legal Risks of a No-Fly Zone Over Ukrainian Skies


Mar 10th, 2022

Вплив на плани Путіна: інформаційна війна та російський народ


Mar 3rd, 2022

Influencing Putin’s Calculus: The Information War and the Russian Public


Mar 3rd, 2022

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Is Essentially Not About NATO

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Feb 24th, 2022

The Regional Danger of Serbia’s Government Disinformation Machine


Feb 16th, 2022

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