
Preparing for Future Pandemics Means Improving and Reforming — Not Abandoning — the WHO


May 6th, 2021

Do Economic Sanctions in Response to Gross Human Rights Abuses Do Any Good?


Apr 29th, 2021

The Need for More Chris Stevenses: A Memorial Lecture at UC Hastings Law

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Apr 23rd, 2021

Team of Legal Gladiators? Iraqi Militias’ Tortured Relationship with Law

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Apr 12th, 2021

The US Military Should Stay Out of Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado; Send Diplomats Who Know the Terrain


Apr 9th, 2021

Getting US-Africa Relations Back on Track With a Focus on Human Rights

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Apr 2nd, 2021

Amid Palestinian Election Plans, Time to Challenge Hamas?


Apr 1st, 2021

Save the Olympics, Again


Mar 30th, 2021

Is the US Doubling Down on Division in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

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Mar 15th, 2021

Potential Gains for Israel After Azerbaijan’s Victory in Nagorno-Karabakh


Mar 10th, 2021

Heeding Victims’ Voices: The Struggle of Tamil Families of the Disappeared in Sri Lanka


Mar 3rd, 2021

Letting Diplomacy Lead US Counterterrorism: What Would That Look Like?


Mar 1st, 2021

How the Biden-Harris Administration Can Advance Peace & Freedom – At Home and Abroad

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Feb 24th, 2021

Biden Needs a Foreign Policy Focused on Sustainable Peace


Feb 23rd, 2021

Changing the Calculus to Support Peace in South Sudan


Feb 13th, 2021

Give Local Civil Society a Say in U.S. Security Assistance

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Feb 9th, 2021

US Re-Engagement in UN Human Rights Council Brings Influence, Leverage, Amb. Donahoe Says


Feb 8th, 2021

Diplomats, Top Experts’ Reactions to Biden Foreign Policy Speech


Feb 5th, 2021

Blinken Sails Through Queries on Iran, China, Russia, NATO, and More in Secretary of State Confirmation Hearing


Jan 20th, 2021

US Human Rights Policy: How to Really Build Back Better

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Jan 19th, 2021

Serbia’s Delicate Dance with the EU and China

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Dec 22nd, 2020

Criminalizing Foreign Relations: How the Biden Administration Can Prevent a Global Arrest Game


Dec 18th, 2020

The Bosnian Constitution, Marking 25 Years, Needs an American Reboot


Dec 14th, 2020

Polish Government’s Attacks on Rule of Law Violate Not Only EU Norms but International Law


Dec 11th, 2020

Protecting Ethiopian Refugees — and Averting the Next Crisis

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Dec 9th, 2020

Biden’s Global Priority No. 1: Turn the Authoritarian Tide


Dec 8th, 2020

The Need for More Chris Stevenses

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Dec 3rd, 2020

Cambodian Rights Activist and 55 Others Face Trial as Crackdown on Dissent Intensifies

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Nov 25th, 2020

How to Fight Truth Decay: Protect the Truth Tellers


Nov 23rd, 2020

US-Opposed Probe of Colombia’s Uribe Is Essential Step in Road to Peace

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Nov 18th, 2020

The Alien Tort Statute and the Law of Nations: New Historical Evidence of Founding-Era Understandings


Nov 17th, 2020

After Russia’s Nagorno-Karabakh Ceasefire, Could Turkey Step Up Next for a Lasting Peace?

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Nov 16th, 2020

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