Digital Surveillance

Just Security’s Artificial Intelligence Archive

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Sep 26th, 2024

The UN Cybercrime Convention: Analyzing the Risks to Human Rights and Global Privacy


Aug 27th, 2024

Beyond AI Safety Narratives: How to Craft Tech-Agnostic and Neo-Luddite Futures

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Jul 10th, 2024

Beyond Alleged Assassination Plots, India’s Modi is Silencing US Critics Digitally Too


Jan 16th, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: Protecting Civic Space at the U.N. Climate Talks

by , , , and

Nov 29th, 2023

To Avert Climate Crisis, Democracies Need to Protect Civic Space


Nov 27th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: Counterterrorism and Human Rights (Part 2 Spyware and Data Collection)

by , , , , and

Nov 27th, 2023

Resolving Carpenter’s Third-Party Paradox (Part II – The Solution)

by , , and

Sep 22nd, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: A Fourth Amendment Privacy Paradox

by , , , and

Sep 22nd, 2023

Resolving Carpenter’s Third-Party Paradox (Part I – The Paradox)

by , , and

Sep 21st, 2023

India’s Digital Governance `Model’ Fails on Rights

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Sep 6th, 2023

UN Counterterrorism and Technology: What Role for Human Rights in Security?

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Nov 23rd, 2022

Encryption Helps Ukrainians Resist Russia’s Invasion, but a European Plan Threatens the Underlying Trust Any Tech User Needs


Nov 17th, 2022

Emerging Tech Has a Front-Row Seat at India-Hosted UN Counterterrorism Meeting. What About Human Rights?


Oct 28th, 2022

A Different Kind of Russian Threat – Seeking to Install Its Candidate Atop Telecommunications Standards Body

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Sep 28th, 2022

With Roe v. Wade at Risk, Digital Surveillance Threatens Reproductive Freedom

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May 17th, 2022

The Use of Biometric Technologies for Counter-terrorism Purposes in a Human Rights Vacuum


Dec 20th, 2021

We Now Know What Information the FBI Can Obtain from Encrypted Messaging Apps


Dec 14th, 2021

Client-Side Scanning: A New Front In the War on User Control of Technology


Oct 28th, 2021

20 Years After the Patriot Act, America Must End Secret Law


Oct 26th, 2021

Rethinking Surveillance on the 20th Anniversary of the Patriot Act


Oct 26th, 2021

What Biden Needs to Say About Surveillance Tech and Foreign Policy


Oct 7th, 2021

Encryption Originalism


Jul 16th, 2021

Protect Communications Privacy for All of Us—Not Just Lawmakers and Reporters


Jun 22nd, 2021

Data and Democracy: Three Things the Biden-Harris Administration Should Do to Tackle Big Tech


Nov 30th, 2020

App Stores as Back-Doors for Government Regulation of End-to-End Encryption


Oct 15th, 2020

WhatsApp v. NSO Group: State Immunity and Cyber Spying

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Apr 16th, 2020

How to Think About the Right to Privacy and Using Location Data to Fight COVID-19


Mar 30th, 2020

Correcting the Record: Wiretaps, the CLOUD Act, and the US-UK Agreement


Oct 31st, 2019

Why the Ghost Keys ‘Solution’ to Encryption is No Solution


Jul 18th, 2019

CTRL+HALT+Defeat: State-Sponsored Surveillance and the Suppression of Dissent

by , , and

May 15th, 2019

CBP’s New Social Media Surveillance: A Threat to Free Speech and Privacy


Apr 26th, 2019