Department of Justice (DOJ)

Politically Motivated Prosecutions Part II: Refuse, Report, Resign

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Jul 28th, 2020

“He’s Lying.” New Book Reveals Havoc Bill Barr Wrought Inside Congress


Jul 27th, 2020

Politically-Motivated Prosecutions Part I: Legal Obligations and Ethical Duties of Prosecutors

by and

Jul 27th, 2020

Timeline: Trump, Barr, and the Halkbank Case on Iran Sanctions-Busting

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Jul 27th, 2020

Four Topics the Judiciary Committee Must Focus on in Barr Hearing


Jul 24th, 2020

Why 27 Distinguished DC Lawyers Filed a Complaint with Bar Association Against Attorney General Barr


Jul 22nd, 2020

Bill Barr’s Playbook: His False Claims About Prior Military Force on U.S. Soil

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Jul 21st, 2020

What’s Missing in Current and Former Officials’ Responses to DOJ Antitrust Whistleblower


Jul 16th, 2020

Trump’s Latest Assault on Asylum Has Nothing to Do with National Security or Public Health


Jul 15th, 2020

Regarding Those Marijuana Mergers: A Response to Accusers Who Question the DOJ


Jul 13th, 2020

Top Experts: DOJ’s Bureau of Prison Blocking Michael Cohen Book about Trump Violates First Amendment


Jul 11th, 2020

Pardoning Roger Stone Could Itself Be an Unpardonable Crime


Jul 10th, 2020

Bill Barr: No Lap Dog, Just Defending His Idea of the Top Dog


Jul 6th, 2020

Patriotism and Justice on an Unusual Independence Day


Jul 3rd, 2020

11 Top Antitrust Experts Alarmed by Whistleblower Complaint Against A.G. Barr—and Office of Professional Responsibility’s Opinion


Jun 26th, 2020

The Deeply Concerning, Misguided D.C. Circuit Mandamus Ruling in the Flynn Case


Jun 24th, 2020

Specific Questions for Congress (and News Media) to Ask Attorney General Barr

by , and

Jun 22nd, 2020

The Untold Power of Bill Barr to Direct US Military Forces in Case of “Civil Unrest”

by and

Jun 9th, 2020

Understanding the Michael Flynn Case: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff, and the Proper from the Improper


May 29th, 2020

An Inquiry into DOJ’s Decision to Drop the Flynn Case Can’t Be Left to Judge Sullivan Alone


May 19th, 2020

Recently Released OLC Opinions From 1974 Shed Light on Current Legal Debates


May 18th, 2020

Why the Flynn Dismissal Deserves a Hard Look by the Court


May 18th, 2020

DC Needs a New U.S. Attorney


May 9th, 2020

Barr Ignores Settled Justice Department Policies in Run-Up to 2020 Elections


May 7th, 2020

Law Day and the Need for Virtue in Government Lawyering


May 1st, 2020

Keeping an Eye on the Hand of Justice: Bill Barr and Targeting Joe Biden

by and

Apr 29th, 2020

ICC Afghanistan Torture Investigation Likely to Turn on Criminal Intent


Apr 15th, 2020

Barr Is Dismantling Charges Filed by Mueller


Mar 19th, 2020

Revised Justice Department Policy Still Silences Immigration Judges


Mar 5th, 2020

Let the Rule of Law Rule Law Enforcement: Reflections on the Current Attorney General’s Tenure


Feb 25th, 2020

Dis-Barr the Justice Department


Feb 24th, 2020

Video of Panel on the “Crisis at the Justice Department”


Feb 21st, 2020

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