Department of Justice (DOJ)

What the US Government Brief Should Have Said in Al-Hela: On Guantanamo and Due Process


Jul 12th, 2021

The Méndez Principles: The Case for US Legislation on Law Enforcement Interviews


Jun 29th, 2021

Questions for FBI Director Wray About the January 6 Attack

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Jun 14th, 2021

The Next Best Option if a January 6 Commission Fails


May 24th, 2021

Investigating Jan. 6 — Key Unanswered Questions for Congress and Media to Ask

by , , and

May 11th, 2021

Biden’s First 100 Days on Immigration: A Test of Leadership


Apr 29th, 2021

Biden Team’s Litigation Tactics on Guantanamo Undercut Biden Policy to Close the Prison

by , and

Apr 21st, 2021

We’re From the Government, We’re Here to Help: The FBI and the Microsoft Exchange Hack


Apr 16th, 2021

To Fix the Immigration System, We Need To Start With Immigration Courts


Apr 6th, 2021

In Absence of Foreign Agents Registration Reform, DOJ Tweaks Could Make a Big Difference


Mar 31st, 2021

How Attorney General Garland Can Strengthen FOIA Implementation


Mar 25th, 2021

The Biden Administration Should Drop the Assange Case


Feb 8th, 2021

Is Jeffrey Clark’s Secret Conversation With Trump “Privileged”?

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Feb 5th, 2021

Gaps in Trump’s Pardons: How the Biden Administration Can Still Pursue Justice


Jan 24th, 2021

Pardongate 2.0: Prosecutors and Congress Investigated Clinton’s Pardons. The Same Should Happen to Trump.

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Dec 22nd, 2020

Criminalizing Foreign Relations: How the Biden Administration Can Prevent a Global Arrest Game


Dec 18th, 2020

A Roadmap for Reform: How the Biden Administration Can Revitalize the Office of Legal Counsel


Dec 16th, 2020

We Can’t “Look Forward” on the Trump Administration’s Abuses


Dec 11th, 2020

The Next Attorney General’s Allegiance Must Be to the Rule of Law

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Nov 20th, 2020

The Urgent Need to Restore Independence to America’s Politicized Immigration Courts


Nov 12th, 2020

Loyalty Above All: The “Shallow State” of the Trump Administration

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Nov 2nd, 2020

Good Governance Paper No. 19: The Criminal Legal System — Toward a Paradigm Shift


Nov 1st, 2020

Good Governance Paper No. 3: Investigating a President


Oct 15th, 2020

Prosecuting the ISIS “Beatles:” A testament to dedicated US government professionalism


Oct 9th, 2020

All the President’s Lawsuits: Fraud, Defamation, and the Westfall Act

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Sep 25th, 2020

Bill Barr’s Misguided View of US History


Sep 24th, 2020

Justifying Absolute Political Control over DOJ, Barr Promotes Myth of Unaccountable Career Prosecutor


Sep 21st, 2020

Dannehy Resignation Confirms Barr’s Intent to Use Durham Probe for Political Ends


Sep 12th, 2020

Bill Barr’s Hidden Truths About Justice Department’s Rule of Forbearance in an Election


Aug 31st, 2020

What To Watch For In Michael Flynn’s Case On Tuesday


Aug 10th, 2020

An Open Letter to Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham


Aug 6th, 2020

Police Violence at Home Requires a Rethink of U.S. Foreign Policy and Assistance Abroad


Aug 4th, 2020