Department of Defense (DoD)

DoD Needs to Rethink its Civilian Casualty Reporting Mechanism

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May 9th, 2022

The “Leahy Laws” and U.S. Assistance to Ukraine


May 9th, 2022

The Prohibition on Indiscriminate Attacks: The US Position vs. the DoD Law of War Manual


May 3rd, 2022

Congressional Action on Civilian Harm Resulting from U.S. Military Operations: Part I

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Apr 28th, 2022

Congressional Action on Civilian Harm Resulting from U.S. Military Operations: Part II

by , and

Apr 28th, 2022

DoD Can’t Move Forward on Civilian Casualties Without Looking Back

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Apr 19th, 2022

Clear Error in the Defense Department’s Law of War Manual: On Presumptions of Civilian Status


Feb 9th, 2022

A Big Step Forward or Running in Place?: The Pentagon’s New Policy on Civilian Casualties


Feb 8th, 2022

The Al-Qurayshi Operation and Minimization of Civilian Casualties

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Feb 3rd, 2022

Post-January 6th, the Military is Addressing Extremism in Its Ranks. Sort of.


Jan 27th, 2022

2022 Update: Good Governance Paper No. 6: Domestic Military Operations


Jan 25th, 2022

Crisis of Command: The Pentagon, The President, and January 6

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Dec 21st, 2021

America Needs a War on Terror Transparency Act


Dec 10th, 2021

Bringing Climate and Terrorism Together at the UN Security Council – Proceed with Caution


Dec 6th, 2021

The Missing Kabul Drone Strike Report


Nov 5th, 2021

The Ballooning Biden Defense Budget

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Oct 27th, 2021

Afghanistan: The Difficult Chapter Ahead


Oct 12th, 2021

Five Principles to End the Forever War


Sep 7th, 2021

Afghanistan: A Tragic Lesson of the US Military’s Flawed Approach to Capacity Building


Sep 6th, 2021

Former Chair of U.S. National Intelligence Council: Learning the Right Lessons from Afghanistan


Aug 21st, 2021

Where Was DOJ? Senior Army Officials Describe Costs in Absence of Lead Agency on Jan. 6


Jul 30th, 2021

The Top US Diplomat on Arms Control Commits to `Values-Based Security Partnerships’ — Here’s How to Do That


Jul 30th, 2021

Undermining Norms? How the Antipersonnel Mine Ban Has Endured in US Policy

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Jul 14th, 2021

Toward a True Account of Collateral Damage in U.S. Military Operations


Jun 23rd, 2021

Why Supporters of Democracy and Security Both Need to Care about Security Sector Governance


Jun 4th, 2021

Clearing the Fog of War Surrounding Battlefield Use of Tear Gas


May 25th, 2021

Biden Must Honor Pledge to Immigrant Troops: Rescind Trump Policy Blocking Path to Citizenship


May 24th, 2021

The Official and Unofficial Timeline of Defense Department Actions on January 6

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May 11th, 2021

Investigating Jan. 6 — Key Unanswered Questions for Congress and Media to Ask

by , , and

May 11th, 2021

Biden Team’s Litigation Tactics on Guantanamo Undercut Biden Policy to Close the Prison

by , and

Apr 21st, 2021

Getting US-Africa Relations Back on Track With a Focus on Human Rights

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Apr 2nd, 2021

In India, US Defense Secretary Austin Must Not Overlook Its Democratic Decline

by and

Mar 16th, 2021

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