Crimes Against Humanity

Justice for the Crime of Aggression Today, Deterrence for the Aggressive Wars of Tomorrow: A Ukrainian Perspective


Aug 24th, 2022

‘The Hour These Hostilities Began’: Ukrainians Mobilize to Document War Crimes


Apr 26th, 2022

«Година, коли почалися бойові дії»: українці мобілізуються задля документування воєнних злочинів


Apr 26th, 2022

Why the ICC’s First Trial on Darfur is About More Than Securing Justice

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Apr 4th, 2022

From Truth to Justice in The Gambia

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Mar 14th, 2022

З початком роботи МКС, російські солдати мають повернутись додому


Mar 4th, 2022

With the Int’l Criminal Court Going In, Russian Soldiers Should Go Home


Mar 4th, 2022

La France n’est pas un havre de paix pour les auteurs de violations des droits de l’homme, malgré l’avis de la Haute Cour

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Feb 4th, 2022

France Is Not a Safe Haven for Human Rights Abusers – Despite High Court Opinion

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Dec 9th, 2021

Crimes Against Humanity: Little Progress on Treaty as UN Legal Committee Concludes its Work

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Dec 7th, 2021

Preliminary but Necessary: The Question of the Applicability of the Notion of Apartheid to Occupied Territory


Dec 2nd, 2021

It’s Time To Revisit the United States’ Evolving Posture Toward the Use of Child Soldiers


Oct 21st, 2021

Historic Judgment in Liberian Massacre Case Advances US Law

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Oct 11th, 2021

Toward a Treaty on Crimes Against Humanity: A View from the Philippines and a Region of `Non-Interference’


Oct 8th, 2021

Why Religious Persecution Justifies U.S. Legislation on Crimes Against Humanity


Oct 6th, 2021

The Draft Convention on Crimes Against Humanity Should Enshrine the Highest Standards of International Law


Oct 4th, 2021

Expanding Justice for Gender-Based Crimes with a Treaty on Crimes Against Humanity

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Sep 29th, 2021

The Relay Race of Defining Crimes Against Humanity – From the International Tribunals to the Draft Articles


Sep 27th, 2021

Impact-Based Jurisdiction and Crimes Against Humanity Statutes Are Needed for Effective Accountability


Sep 23rd, 2021

Crimes of Omission: Why a UN Treaty on Genocide but Not on Crimes Against Humanity?


Sep 21st, 2021

Striking the Right Balance for a Draft Convention on Crimes against Humanity


Sep 17th, 2021

As the Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Moves Forward, a View on How It Relates to the Rome Statute for the ICC


Sep 15th, 2021

Towards a New Treaty on Crimes Against Humanity: Next Steps


Sep 13th, 2021

UN Human Rights Council Outlines Sri Lanka Abuses, But Demurs on Action


Mar 26th, 2021

When War Criminals Run the Government: Not Too Late for the International Community to Vet Sri Lankan Officials

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Mar 16th, 2021

UN Should Suspend Sri Lanka from Peacekeeping Over Human Rights Abuses


Mar 5th, 2021

Highlighting Sri Lanka’s Abuses to the UN in Reviews and Strategic Litigation


Mar 4th, 2021

Sri Lanka’s Evasion of Accountability Tests the Limits of the International Human Rights System


Mar 1st, 2021

Intersecting Religious and Gender-Based Persecution in Yazidi Genocide Case: A Request for an Extension of Charges

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Feb 24th, 2021

Emblematic Cases Expose the Long Road to Justice in Sri Lanka


Feb 22nd, 2021

Tamils – and Justice – Can’t Wait: The Need for Decisive UN Action on Sri Lanka


Feb 19th, 2021

US Can Restore Leadership on Human Rights by Promoting Accountability in Sri Lanka

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Feb 18th, 2021