
Why the Christchurch Call to Remove Online Terror Content Triggers Free Speech Concerns


May 20th, 2019

‘Flying Ginsu’ Missile Won’t Resolve U.S. Targeted Killing Controversy


May 16th, 2019

US Counterterrorism Under the UN Spotlight


May 2nd, 2019

The Consequences of Legislating Cyberlaw After Terrorist Attacks


Apr 9th, 2019

Painting Within the Lines: The UN’s Newest Resolution Criminalizing Financing for Terrorists—Without Imperiling Humanitarian Activities


Mar 29th, 2019

New Zealand Attacks: A Wake-Up Call to Counter Far-Right Extremist Violence

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Mar 15th, 2019

Why Violent Extremism Still Spreads

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Mar 11th, 2019

I Helped Write the Exec Order on Public Reporting of Lethal Operations. Here’s What Trump Has Undone.


Mar 8th, 2019

Trump’s Revocation of Reporting on Lethal Strikes: All Eyes on Congress, Now


Mar 8th, 2019

Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Are Not the Same Thing


Mar 4th, 2019

“Just fall, that is all!” Is Sudan on the Brink of Change?


Feb 25th, 2019

When Human Trafficking and Terrorism Connect: Dangers and Dilemmas


Feb 22nd, 2019

Bringing ISIS to Justice: Running Out of Time?


Feb 5th, 2019

Terrorists and the Southern Border: Myth and Reality


Jan 8th, 2019

Full Accounting Needed of US-UAE Counterterrorism Partnership in Yemen


Dec 7th, 2018

U.S. Lethal Operations in Somalia Are On the Rise. But Are They Effective?


Dec 6th, 2018

Sisi’s World Youth Forum Celebrations in South Sinai Do Not Reflect the Reality in North Sinai


Nov 12th, 2018

Ensuring a Human Rights-Compliant Approach to the Challenge of Foreign Fighters


Nov 7th, 2018

It’s Time to Put CVE to Bed


Nov 2nd, 2018

Trump Admin Says It’s Open to Suggestions to Prevent Far-Right Violence. Here Are a Few.

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Oct 31st, 2018

The U.N. Security Council’s Outsized Role in Shaping Counter Terrorism Regulation and Its Impact on Human Rights


Oct 19th, 2018

European Counter-Terrorism Approaches: A Slow and Insidious Erosion of Fundamental Rights


Oct 17th, 2018

U.S. Should Condition Saudi Membership in Elite Financial Club on Progress Prosecuting Terrorists and Observing the Rule of Law

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Oct 13th, 2018

Current Global CVE Agenda Is a Mixed Bag, But Don’t Throw It Out

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Oct 10th, 2018

The Risks of Permanent War


Sep 26th, 2018

Discrimination in the Fight Against Terror: Israeli Court Applies Jewish Nation-State Law


Sep 21st, 2018

17 Years Later: Applying Post-9/11 Lessons to Potential Cyber Attacks

by , and

Sep 11th, 2018

Woodward’s Book Places Trump’s Policy on Afghan War in a Good Light–But his leadership ultimately falls short


Sep 11th, 2018

U.N. Peace Operations Should Get Off the Counter-Terror Bandwagon

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Sep 4th, 2018

Exclusive: U.N. Human Rights Experts Meet With Facebook on “Overly Broad” Definitions of Terrorist Content


Sep 3rd, 2018

How Transitional Justice Can Help the U.S. Defeat Terrorism

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Aug 6th, 2018

The Use of Child Spies by the UK

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Jul 26th, 2018

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