
UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and Humanitarian Action: A Case for Saving Lives


Jun 18th, 2021

Foreign ISIS Suspects, Families: Why a Single “R” Word Matters at the UN

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Jun 17th, 2021

Time for a Course Correction on Counterterrorism and Civic Space

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Jun 15th, 2021

Opening Pandora’s Box: New “Threats” in the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

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Jun 14th, 2021

Introducing a Symposium on the UN Global Counterterrorism Strategy

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Jun 14th, 2021

Twenty Years After 9/11, the US Needs a Better Strategy to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism


May 6th, 2021

Trump’s Secret Rules for Drone Strikes and Presidents’ Unchecked License to Kill


May 3rd, 2021

The US Military Should Stay Out of Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado; Send Diplomats Who Know the Terrain


Apr 9th, 2021

What Are the Stakes of the Upcoming Elections in Benin?


Apr 5th, 2021

Getting US-Africa Relations Back on Track With a Focus on Human Rights

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Apr 2nd, 2021

Revitalizing Alliances to Counter Terrorism


Mar 24th, 2021

Protecting Civil Society in Global Counterterrorism: FATF Leads the Way, UN Should Follow

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Mar 23rd, 2021

Fixing “Material Support” — Lessons from the Houthi Terror Designation


Mar 18th, 2021

How Can Member States Improve the UN’s Global Counterterrorism Strategy?

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Mar 9th, 2021

Revitalize US Multilateral Engagement on Counterterrorism and Violent Extremism as Well


Mar 3rd, 2021

What We Can Learn from Global Policy About Preventing Domestic Extremism


Mar 2nd, 2021

Letting Diplomacy Lead US Counterterrorism: What Would That Look Like?


Mar 1st, 2021

Families in the Crosshairs of National Security

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Feb 22nd, 2021

Give Local Civil Society a Say in U.S. Security Assistance

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Feb 9th, 2021

Defining “Endless War” is Essential for Proper Strategic Analysis of America’s Wars


Feb 3rd, 2021

The Progress Not Made on Protecting Civilians  


Feb 2nd, 2021

If the US Wants to Push Back on Authoritarian Agendas at the UN, Get Counterterrorism Right

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Feb 1st, 2021

Violent Extremism and the Governance Challenge


Jan 29th, 2021

Pentagon Moves Undermine Counterterrorism Strategy

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Jan 5th, 2021

Defending Women’s Rights Is Not Terrorism: A Saudi Prosecution on Human Rights Day

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Dec 11th, 2020

Addressing Our Whole-of-Government Deficit in National Security


Dec 8th, 2020

The Risks of Relying on Counterterrorism Laws to Reduce Wartime Sexual Violence


Dec 7th, 2020

Defending Human Rights Is Not Terrorism: The Egypt Arrests as a Case in Point

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Nov 30th, 2020

Plan to Pull U.S. Troops from Somalia is Cold Comfort Amid Civilian Toll of Air War


Oct 31st, 2020

Militarized Counterterrorism in Africa: Moving Beyond a Failed Approach

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Oct 30th, 2020

The Necessity of Enforcing Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in the Context of Counterterrorism


Oct 29th, 2020

Investigation Highlights Transparency Need on US, UK Roles in Kenyan Counterterrorism


Oct 28th, 2020

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