Countering Violent Extremism

Current Global CVE Agenda Is a Mixed Bag, But Don’t Throw It Out

by and

Oct 10th, 2018

Worst Suspicions Confirmed: Government Reports Show Domestic Anti-Terrorism Efforts Target Minorities


Oct 3rd, 2018

From Sweeping Punishment to Real Justice in Countering Terrorism


Sep 20th, 2018

How Transitional Justice Can Help the U.S. Defeat Terrorism

by and

Aug 6th, 2018

Gendering Counterterrorism: How to, and How Not to – Part II

by and

May 3rd, 2018

Gendering Counterterrorism: How to, and How Not to – Part I

by and

May 1st, 2018

Want to Stop Homegrown Attacks? Start With Locally-Driven Violence Prevention

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Dec 15th, 2017

Conservative Correctness: The Terrorism Double Standard


Nov 6th, 2017

The Resignation of George Selim and the Implications for CVE in the U.S.


Aug 4th, 2017

Fighting Terrorism Without Dividing Us: Why Congress Must Look Beyond Countering Violent Extremism

by and

Jul 27th, 2017

Letter to the Editor: Sorry, No More Chances for CVE


Jul 18th, 2017

The Call is Coming from Inside the House — Homegrown Extremism is Here


Jul 13th, 2017

The Trump Administration Provides One More Reason to Discontinue CVE


Jul 12th, 2017

Giving CVE a Chance


Jul 5th, 2017

Glowing Orbs and Glimmers of Hope: Trump’s baby steps to countering violent extremism


May 26th, 2017

The Trump Administration’s Homeland Security Record – and What Lies Ahead


May 1st, 2017

UN Counterterrorism Reform Overlooks Crucial Partner

by and

Apr 24th, 2017

The Global Counterterrorism Forum–Multilateralism that Even Trump Should Like

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Mar 3rd, 2017

Trump’s CVE Program: Going From Bad to Worse


Feb 22nd, 2017

Trump/Bannon Plan to Counter “Violent Islamic Extremism”—A Gift to White Supremacists, and Islamic Terrorists Too


Feb 6th, 2017

New Counterterrorism Program in Los Angeles: Suspicious Thought Reporting?


Dec 1st, 2016

Preventing Violent Extremism in 2017 and Beyond: Fading or Renewed UN and U.S. Leadership?

by and

Nov 16th, 2016

Masculinity, Jihad and Mobilization


Oct 18th, 2016

FBI Guidelines Weaken Separation of Community Outreach and Intelligence Gathering Efforts


Jun 8th, 2016

The Human Rights Risks of Countering Violent Extremism Programs

by and

Apr 7th, 2016

Update from the European Frontlines: The Battle for Belgium


Mar 18th, 2016

Feminism Assessing Terrorism (or How to Slay a New Dragon)


Mar 14th, 2016

The FBI Wants Schools to Spy on Their Students’ Thoughts


Mar 11th, 2016

America’s Muddled Approach to Fighting ISIS


Jan 28th, 2016

Instability and Terrorism in Africa’s Sahel: A Primer


Jan 26th, 2016

Remember Why We Have the Fourth Amendment


Nov 25th, 2015

The UN Security Council’s New Resolution on Women, Peace, and Security


Oct 15th, 2015