Countering Violent Extremism

GIFCT: Possibly the Most Important Acronym You’ve Never Heard Of


Sep 30th, 2020

The Odd Couple at the Center of the U.N.’s Counterterrorism Growth

by and

Jul 8th, 2020

White Supremacist Infiltration of US Police Forces: Fact-Checking National Security Advisor O’Brien


Jun 1st, 2020

Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists


May 30th, 2020

Ten Days that Show Why Trump’s Wrong on Terrorism

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May 27th, 2020

Why Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Law and Practice Is Failing a Human Rights Audit


Apr 28th, 2020

The U.N. Needs Help Sustaining the Global Approach to Violent Extremism


Apr 7th, 2020

Reevaluating Our Counter-Terrorism Information Sharing Methods


Jan 9th, 2020

CVE’s Relevance and Challenges: Central Asia as Surprising Snapshot


Jan 7th, 2020

Rehabilitating the Islamic State’s Women and Children Returnees in Kazakhstan


Dec 12th, 2019

No Place to Hide, No Place to Post: Lessons from Recent Efforts at “De-Platforming” ISIS


Dec 5th, 2019

Nearly 20 Years Later: It’s Time to Reset Our Approach to Countering Terrorism

by and

Nov 14th, 2019

More or Less Justice? More or Less Security?

by and

Nov 1st, 2019

How Trump’s Gilding the Lily on Baghdadi Death Will Return to Haunt Americans


Oct 27th, 2019

18 Years After 9/11, We Face a New International Terrorist Threat


Sep 11th, 2019

The Tit-for-Tat Dynamics of 21st Century Extremism


Aug 21st, 2019

To Avoid Future “El Pasos” and “Daytons,” It’s Time to Invest in Prevention

by and

Aug 7th, 2019

Trump’s Encouraging QAnon May Result in Violence—Just ask the FBI


Aug 1st, 2019

Repatriating ISIS Families: An Opportunity to Show that “Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism” Can Work

by and

Jun 14th, 2019

Time to Bring Women and Children Home from Iraq and Syria


Jun 4th, 2019

In Legislation to Reduce Global Violence, Can U.S. Move Beyond a Focus on “Extremism”?


May 23rd, 2019

The Consequences of Legislating Cyberlaw After Terrorist Attacks


Apr 9th, 2019

A Public-Health Approach to Countering Violent Extremism


Apr 3rd, 2019

New Zealand Attacks: A Wake-Up Call to Counter Far-Right Extremist Violence

by and

Mar 15th, 2019

Why Violent Extremism Still Spreads

by and

Mar 11th, 2019

Research Shows Terrorists Aren’t Necessarily Uneducated. So How Can Education Prevent Terror?


Jan 7th, 2019

The 116th Congress and Preventing Extremist Violence: Look North for Guidance


Jan 3rd, 2019

Reframing Prevention: If Government Won’t Lead, Civil Society Must Step Up to Curb Extremism

by and

Dec 10th, 2018

U.S. Lethal Operations in Somalia Are On the Rise. But Are They Effective?


Dec 6th, 2018

Sisi’s World Youth Forum Celebrations in South Sinai Do Not Reflect the Reality in North Sinai


Nov 12th, 2018

It’s Time to Put CVE to Bed


Nov 2nd, 2018

Current Global CVE Agenda Is a Mixed Bag, But Don’t Throw It Out

by and

Oct 10th, 2018