constitutional law

As Haiti’s Henry Refuses Checks on Power, the US Should Aid Efforts to Build True Democracy


Sep 7th, 2022

Rebooting Bosnia’s Constitutional Reform Process


Aug 29th, 2022

Independent State Legislatures and Presidential Elections: Addressing Misconceptions About Current Law and Prospects for Reform

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Aug 16th, 2022

The Biden Administration’s Options for Responding to Abbott’s Unconstitutional Border Enforcement Executive Order

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Jul 13th, 2022

The Independent State Legislature Theory Should Horrify Supreme Court’s Originalists


Jun 30th, 2022

Tunisia’s Democratic Backsliding and Economic Woes Illustrate the Limits of Transition


Apr 28th, 2022

A Transitional Period Constitutional Question in Sudan


Feb 16th, 2022

EU-US Plan for Bosnia Risks Undermining New Sanctions and Bolstering Putin

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Jan 21st, 2022

Sudan’s Constitutional Crisis: Dissecting the Coup Declaration


Nov 3rd, 2021

Between Legitimacy and Control: The Taliban’s Pursuit of Governmental Status

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Sep 7th, 2021

Folly at the Supreme Court: Choosing Between Competing Originalist Claims


May 18th, 2021

Purpose, Not Specificity, Limits the Pardon Power: A Rejoinder to Rappaport


Dec 28th, 2020

Libya: Subnational Governance as a Potential Anchor of Stability

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Dec 2nd, 2020

What Does the Constitutional Right of Assembly Protect? What Counts as “Peaceable”? And Who Should Decide?


Jun 9th, 2020

Painful Lessons of Stripping Citizenship Can Be Found Across the Globe


Nov 5th, 2018

The Constitutional Challenge to Robert Mueller’s Appointment (Part V):  If Mueller is an Inferior Officer, Was Rosenstein’s Appointment Constitutional?


Nov 1st, 2018

Presidential Authority to Conclude an Iran Nuclear Agreement—and the Senate’s Self-Defeating Bill


Aug 20th, 2014