
The American Servicemembers’ Protection Act and the Dodd Amendment: Shaping United States Engagement with the ICC (Part II)

by , and

Feb 14th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: Eliminating the Judicial “Blue Slip”

by , , and

Feb 13th, 2023

Dear Senator Durbin, It’s Time to End the “Blue Slip” for Judicial Nominees

by and

Feb 3rd, 2023

Members of Congress Shouldn’t Trade Stocks, But Even in Solutions Loopholes Remain


Feb 2nd, 2023

Treaty Negotiations with Pacific Island Nations Must Address Accountability Gaps


Jan 30th, 2023

Rep. Jordan’s Dangerous New Panel is Nothing Like the Church Committee


Jan 27th, 2023

The Treasury Department’s Material Support Carveouts are a Welcomed First Step – But Congress Must Act to Create a Sustainable Fix

by and

Jan 24th, 2023

Gutting Congress’ Ethics Office Was a Disaster – and an Opportunity


Jan 19th, 2023

Setting the Board: Congressional Investigations and the New House Rules Package


Jan 12th, 2023

Congress Mandates Sweeping Transparency Reforms for International Agreements

by , and

Dec 23rd, 2022

The FY 2023 NDAA Falls Short on Security Assistance Oversight


Dec 21st, 2022

Incremental Progress on Civilian Harm in the FY2023 National Defense Bill


Dec 19th, 2022

Missed Opportunities and Minor Progress: The FY 2023 National Defense Bill and War Powers

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Dec 15th, 2022

Without Congressional Action, Lafayette Square and January 6th Can Happen Again

by and

Nov 16th, 2022

How Support to Partner Forces Enables Secret War


Nov 3rd, 2022

Why We Need the Alien Tort Statute Clarification Act Now

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Oct 27th, 2022

Ending Perpetual War


Oct 25th, 2022

Assessing Biden’s New Policy Framework for Counterterrorism Direct Action


Oct 11th, 2022

Biden’s Democracy Gap: How U.S. Policy Helps Underwrite Egypt’s Human Rights Crisis


Oct 7th, 2022

How Congress Should Designate Russia a State Sponsor of Terrorism


Sep 27th, 2022

How the FY23 NDAA Can Strengthen Oversight and Transparency of U.S. Security Assistance and Civilian Harm (Part II)


Sep 12th, 2022

Ensuring Access to Courts for Gun Victims: The Case for Repealing PLCAA

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Sep 8th, 2022

How the FY23 NDAA Can Strengthen U.S. Efforts to Prevent and Respond to Civilian Harm (Part I)


Aug 25th, 2022

The US Must Help Fight the Criminalization of Activism in Central America, Not Make It Worse


Aug 22nd, 2022

Declaring a Climate Emergency Won’t Save the Planet — Energy Security Could

by and

Aug 8th, 2022

In Support of Sunsets: Easy Yes Votes on AUMF Reform


Jul 13th, 2022

Russia Should Not be Designated a State Sponsor of Terrorism


Jul 11th, 2022

A Historical Perspective on Alternate Electors: Lessons from Hayes-Tiden


Jul 7th, 2022

Walking Iran Back from the Nuclear Brink


Jun 24th, 2022

Answering the Supreme Court’s Call for Guidance on the Alien Tort Statute

by and

Jun 3rd, 2022

How Best to Fund the International Criminal Court


May 27th, 2022

Congressional Action on Civilian Harm Resulting from U.S. Military Operations: Part I

by and

Apr 28th, 2022

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