Civilian Harm

Missed Opportunities and Minor Progress: The FY 2023 National Defense Bill and War Powers

by and

Dec 15th, 2022

The Case for the International Crime of Domicide

by and

Oct 28th, 2022

India’s Abuses at Home Raise Concerns About Its Global Counterterrorism Role


Oct 27th, 2022

Extremist Ideologies and the Roots of Mass Atrocities: Lessons for Ukraine


Oct 14th, 2022

The Law of Occupation Must Address the Lives of Women and Girls


Oct 12th, 2022

Averting Future Mass Atrocities in South Sudan as Peace Terms Stall

by and

Oct 6th, 2022

Bombing for Peace in Somalia? Time for a Different Approach

by , and

Sep 28th, 2022

How the FY23 NDAA Can Strengthen Oversight and Transparency of U.S. Security Assistance and Civilian Harm (Part II)


Sep 12th, 2022

How the FY23 NDAA Can Strengthen U.S. Efforts to Prevent and Respond to Civilian Harm (Part I)


Aug 25th, 2022

Let’s Talk About Compliance with International Humanitarian Law


Aug 24th, 2022

Gendering the Legal Review of New Means and Methods of Warfare


Aug 23rd, 2022

Останні звірства підкреслюють важливість раннього попередження


Jul 25th, 2022

Latest Atrocities Highlight the Importance of Early Warning


Jul 25th, 2022

The Urgency of Reparations for Civilians in Yemen

by and

Jul 13th, 2022

Protecting Civilians from Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas: A New Political Declaration


Jul 6th, 2022

New Armed Conflict in DR Congo: A Renewed Call for Civilian Protection

by and

Jun 30th, 2022

Don’t Forget Your Friends: Risks and Opportunities in Security Partnerships


Jun 9th, 2022

US Military Support to the Saudi-Led Coalition in Yemen Amid Civilian Toll: Mapping the Connections

by and

Jun 4th, 2022

Transitional Justice in Ukraine: Guidance to Policymakers

by and

Jun 2nd, 2022

Перехідне правосуддя в Україні: рекомендації для полісімейкерів

by and

Jun 2nd, 2022

Маріуполь і зародження та перспективи перехідного правосуддя в Україні


Jun 1st, 2022

Mariupol and the Origins and Avenues of Ukraine’s Transitional Justice Process


Jun 1st, 2022

Congressional Action on Civilian Harm Resulting from U.S. Military Operations: Part I

by and

Apr 28th, 2022

Congressional Action on Civilian Harm Resulting from U.S. Military Operations: Part II

by , and

Apr 28th, 2022

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