civil society

How Domestic Civic Movements Could Reshape US Foreign Policy


Feb 25th, 2021

Biden Needs a Foreign Policy Focused on Sustainable Peace


Feb 23rd, 2021

Give Local Civil Society a Say in U.S. Security Assistance

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Feb 9th, 2021

New Aid for Israeli-Palestinian Peacebuilding Aims at Issues Underlying Security


Jan 29th, 2021

Unprecedented Threats to Journalists & Civil Society Activists Are Threatening Afghanistan


Jan 29th, 2021

On Biden’s Planned Summit: Humility, Not Hubris, Can Save Democracy


Jan 20th, 2021

Ugandan Human Rights Lawyer Fights Charges on Eve of Presidential Election

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Jan 6th, 2021

As China Promotes Authoritarian Model, the Resilience of Its Democratic Targets is Key

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Dec 18th, 2020

Libya: Subnational Governance as a Potential Anchor of Stability

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Dec 2nd, 2020

Amnesty International Calls for India to Lift Account Freeze to Resume Vital Human Rights Work


Oct 10th, 2020

Access to Information During a Pandemic – A Matter of Life or Death


Sep 25th, 2020

Lebanon’s Peace Cartel is Irredeemable – How Donors Choose to Help Can Tip the Scales


Aug 12th, 2020

UN’s “Counter-Terrorism Week” Misses the Mark in Marginalizing Civil Society


Jul 9th, 2020

CTRL+HALT+Defeat: State-Sponsored Surveillance and the Suppression of Dissent

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May 15th, 2019

The 116th Congress and Preventing Extremist Violence: Look North for Guidance


Jan 3rd, 2019

10 Priorities for Peace, Human Rights and Justice in Yemen: An Important Joint Statement From Country’s Civil Society

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Oct 24th, 2018

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