
Balancing Reality and Fear: Why An Alarmist Take on Chinese Influence Operations Is Counterproductive

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Jul 21st, 2021

Feminist Foreign Policy: One Path Forward in U.S.-China Relations

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Jul 16th, 2021

Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: Money is Not Enough


Jul 12th, 2021

Taiwan vs. Tyranny: The US Must Redouble Its Commitment to Secure this Shining Hill of Democracy in East Asia

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Jul 8th, 2021

Holding the LINE: Chinese Cyber Influence Campaigns After the Pandemic


Jun 28th, 2021

Countering Vaccine Diplomacy with US Health Leadership


Jun 9th, 2021

Tracking Transnational Repression: Next Steps for the State Department’s Human Rights Reports


Jun 2nd, 2021

Want to Compete with China? Deliver on Climate Security for the Indo-Pacific

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May 21st, 2021

Preparing for Future Pandemics Means Improving and Reforming — Not Abandoning — the WHO


May 6th, 2021

Do Economic Sanctions in Response to Gross Human Rights Abuses Do Any Good?


Apr 29th, 2021

China’s Dystopian “New IP” Plan Shows Need for Renewed US Commitment to Internet Governance

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Apr 13th, 2021

One Thousand and One Talents: The Race for A.I. Dominance


Apr 7th, 2021

Overlooking the Policy Connections: Fragility, Democracy, and Geopolitical Competition


Apr 6th, 2021

Save the Olympics, Again


Mar 30th, 2021

The Digital Technology Agenda at the Summit for Democracy


Mar 24th, 2021

The Noxious Nexus of Money and Politics Takes Another Turn in Central and Southeastern Europe

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Mar 18th, 2021

Safeguarding Democracy Among Eastern Europe’s Three Seas

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Mar 17th, 2021

National Security Last Week at the United Nations (March 5-12)


Mar 12th, 2021

China’s Military Tech Ambitions – What’s the U.S.- EU Gameplan?


Mar 5th, 2021

UN Human Rights Council: A Near-Term Approach for U.S. Re-Entry


Feb 8th, 2021

Biden’s UN Nominee Thomas-Greenfield Awaits Vote After Questioning on China, Iran, Israel and More


Feb 1st, 2021

Genocide against the Uyghurs: Legal Grounds for the United States’ Bipartisan Genocide Determination


Jan 27th, 2021

Blinken Sails Through Queries on Iran, China, Russia, NATO, and More in Secretary of State Confirmation Hearing


Jan 20th, 2021

Serbia’s Delicate Dance with the EU and China

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Dec 22nd, 2020

National Security This Week at the United Nations (Dec 11 – Dec 18)

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Dec 18th, 2020

As China Promotes Authoritarian Model, the Resilience of Its Democratic Targets is Key

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Dec 18th, 2020

Cambodian Rights Activist and 55 Others Face Trial as Crackdown on Dissent Intensifies

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Nov 25th, 2020

Great Power Competition Versus Counterterrorism: A False Dichotomy


Oct 23rd, 2020

The 116th Congress’s Record on International Human Rights: The Good, the Bad, and the Unfinished Business


Oct 19th, 2020

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Sept. 25 – Oct. 2)


Oct 2nd, 2020

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Sept. 18-25)


Sep 25th, 2020

Policy Options in Response to Crimes Against Humanity and Potential Genocide in Xinjiang


Aug 25th, 2020

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