Biden administration

Just Security Podcast: A Year in Russia’s War Against Ukraine: Forging a US Response

by , , , and

Feb 24th, 2023

A Values-based Approach to Foreign Policy? Lessons for the Biden Administration


Feb 23rd, 2023

The Year of Section 702 Reform, Part I: Backdoor Searches


Feb 13th, 2023

Rephrasing the “Ethical Checklist”: Grappling with Tough Foreign Policy Choices


Feb 9th, 2023

Biden’s Embrace of Trump’s Transit Ban Violates US Legal and Moral Refugee Obligations


Feb 8th, 2023

A Big Few Weeks for Guantanamo: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


Feb 8th, 2023

On Ukraine, Europeans are Doing More Than Many Seem to Think

by and

Feb 3rd, 2023

Treaty Negotiations with Pacific Island Nations Must Address Accountability Gaps


Jan 30th, 2023

Permanently Winding Down the War on Terror Requires Greater Transparency

by and

Jan 30th, 2023

Yellen’s Trip to Africa: A Chance to Reset US-Africa Relations

by and

Jan 19th, 2023

The Limits of Remote Warfare: Aligning Values with Interests


Jan 18th, 2023

Twenty-One Years On, US Detention at Guantánamo Bay Remains Unconscionable


Jan 11th, 2023

From Egypt, Sisi’s Long Arm of Repression Targets Americans Too


Jan 9th, 2023

Toward a Values-Based Foreign Policy: Developing an Ethical Checklist

by and

Jan 4th, 2023

Extend US Leadership on Ukraine to Post-War Reconstruction Too

by , and

Dec 22nd, 2022

Incremental Progress on Civilian Harm in the FY2023 National Defense Bill


Dec 19th, 2022

Missed Opportunities and Minor Progress: The FY 2023 National Defense Bill and War Powers

by and

Dec 15th, 2022

As Haiti’s Last 10 Lawmakers’ Terms Expire, Political Transition Must Take Priority Over Military Intervention


Dec 15th, 2022

A Presidential Appeal to the US and the EU for Bosnia’s Democratization


Dec 12th, 2022

How the US Can Help the Struggling Yazidi Community in Iraq


Dec 8th, 2022

UN Talks on Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Make Progress, But Also Reveal Hurdles

by and

Dec 5th, 2022

Is Colombia Trapped in “War Mode?” In Wake of Truth Commission, New Leftist Government Recalibrates US Ties


Nov 18th, 2022

America’s Autocratic Persian Gulf ‘Partners’ Are Actually Liabilities

by and

Nov 15th, 2022

The Last, Best Chance for Accountability at Guantanamo? A Negotiated Plea for the 9/11 Defendants


Nov 15th, 2022

Війна Путіна проти України та ризики поспішного ведення переговорів


Nov 9th, 2022

Putin’s War Against Ukraine and the Risks of Rushing to Negotiations


Nov 9th, 2022

Biden Administration Haiti Deportation Policy on Shaky Ground


Nov 1st, 2022

New US Semiconductor Export Controls Signify Dramatic Shift in Tech Relations With China


Oct 24th, 2022

Six Ways the US and the International Community Can Help Haiti Without Armed Intervention

by , and

Oct 19th, 2022

Why the US Still Can’t Have It All: Biden’s National Security Strategy


Oct 14th, 2022

At the UN: New Moves to Speak Up for a Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

by and

Oct 6th, 2022

US Reinvests in Ethnic Oligarchy in Bosnia, Abandoning Support for Integration

by and

Oct 5th, 2022

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