American Society of International Law (ASIL)

Deportation, Detention, and Other Crimes: In Ukraine, the Past and Present of International Criminal Law Converge


Apr 9th, 2024

Symposium: International Law in Ukraine – The View from Lviv


Apr 5th, 2024

A Legal and Moral Victory for Ukraine: Vindicating Ukraine’s Legal Rights Before the International Court of Justice

by and

Mar 22nd, 2024

The Just Security Podcast: International Law in the Face of Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine: The View from Lviv

by , , , and

Mar 15th, 2024

Where is the International Law We Believed In Ukraine?


Mar 14th, 2024

Міжнародне право в умовах російської агресії в Україні: Погляд зі Львова

by , and

Feb 22nd, 2024

The State Department Adviser Signals a Middle Road on Common Article 1

by and

Apr 12th, 2016

The Egan speech and the Bush Doctrine: Imminence, necessity, and “first use” in the jus ad bellum


Apr 11th, 2016

Are all “members” of ISIL targetable?


Apr 9th, 2016

International Law à la Carte: Brian Egan’s Jus ad Bellum Doctrine


Apr 8th, 2016

[UPDATED–Now with VIDEO] ASIL Speech by State Legal Adviser Egan on international law and the use of force against ISIL


Apr 4th, 2016

The Law of War Manual Debate Goes to ASIL


Mar 31st, 2016