
New Rule of Law Index: Spread of Authoritarianism Slows But Justice Systems Are Failing

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Oct 25th, 2023

Will a New Foreign Security Force for Haiti Embrace Accountability?


Oct 23rd, 2023

Ethiopia’s Atrocity Victims Broaden UN Appeal After Human Rights Council’s Failure

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Oct 16th, 2023

Where Is the ICC Prosecutor?


Oct 11th, 2023

The NY Trump Civil Fraud Trial: From Tipping Point to Toppling Over


Oct 3rd, 2023

UN Human Rights Council Should Extend Investigation Commission on Ethiopia


Oct 2nd, 2023

Congress Should Pass the SAFEGUARD Act to Overhaul Arms Sales Law and Protect Human Rights


Sep 20th, 2023

Making Counter-Hegemonic International Law: Should A Special Tribunal for Aggression be International or Hybrid?


Sep 19th, 2023

As the Government Turns Up the Heat, Iranians Need the World’s Support


Sep 15th, 2023

How the Arms Trade Treaty CSP9 Risks Repeating Past Mistakes


Aug 23rd, 2023

Accountability for Russian Imperialism in the “Global East”


Aug 21st, 2023

Ten Years on From the Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria: What Lessons Have Been Learned?


Aug 21st, 2023

International Criminal Accountability for Yahya Jammeh’s Administration: The Gambia-ECOWAS Court

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Aug 9th, 2023

Missed Opportunities in House FY24 NDAA for Human Rights Progress in U.S. Security Assistance


Jul 28th, 2023

The Perils and Promise of AI Regulation

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Jul 26th, 2023

Civilian Protection Gains Stagnate in FY24 House NDAA


Jul 21st, 2023

Why Say Who Did What? The Ethiopia Case and the Power of US Atrocity Determinations


Jul 20th, 2023

The Cost of Consensus in the Eighth Review of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy

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Jul 17th, 2023

Going on Offense Against Authoritarians at the UN Human Rights Council and Beyond


Jul 10th, 2023

The Path to Justice for Shireen Abu Akleh Runs Through Washington


Jul 7th, 2023

Prosecuting a President – Under What Conditions Is It Warranted?


Jul 6th, 2023

Takeaways from the UN Special Rapporteur Report on Guantanamo


Jun 29th, 2023

Is Henry Kissinger a War Criminal?


Jun 27th, 2023

Perspectives on Gender Persecution: Colombia’s Transitional Justice Process


Jun 23rd, 2023

Pentagon Investigation into Syria Strike: A Litmus Test for Civilian Harm Response

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Jun 23rd, 2023

Prosecuting Ecocide: The Norms-Adoption/Enforcement Paradox


Jun 22nd, 2023

Meta’s Oversight Board Recommends Major Advance in International Accountability


Jun 22nd, 2023

The Brussels Declaration: Russian International and Human Rights Lawyers’ Statement on Accountability

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Jun 12th, 2023

Detailed Timeline of Trump Hush Money-2016 Election Investigation

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May 24th, 2023

Why the E. Jean Carroll Verdict Will Matter to Voters

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May 9th, 2023

On Eve of Marcos Visit, US Must Center Human Rights in US-Philippines Security Relationship


Apr 28th, 2023

Don’t be Fooled By U.S. Smoke and Mirrors on the Crime of Aggression


Apr 14th, 2023

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