Recent Articles

Freedom of Expression and Political Controversy: The ECtHR’s BDS Judgment


Jun 30th, 2020

Transitional Justice, Race, and the United States


Jun 30th, 2020

Decoy Amendment Jeopardizes the Moment for Renaming Confederate-Dubbed Bases

by , , and

Jun 29th, 2020

First They Came For Me and My Colleagues: The U.S. Attack on the Int’l Criminal Court


Jun 29th, 2020

I help children in armed conflict. The President is forcing me to stop.


Jun 29th, 2020

A Solution in Search of a Problem: The Dangerous Invalidity of Divesting Military Commanders of Disposition Authority for Military Criminal Offenses

by , and

Jun 29th, 2020

Who Should Decide: Prosecutorial Discretion and Military Justice

by , and

Jun 29th, 2020

A Rejoinder to China’s Response to UN Human Rights Experts


Jun 27th, 2020

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (June 22-26)


Jun 27th, 2020

National Security at the United Nations This Week (June 19-26)


Jun 26th, 2020

11 Top Antitrust Experts Alarmed by Whistleblower Complaint Against A.G. Barr—and Office of Professional Responsibility’s Opinion


Jun 26th, 2020

The Harm of Nuclear Weapons Tests for Peaceful Nuclear Power

by and

Jun 26th, 2020

Crises of Accountability for U.S. Systemic Abuses of Power

by , and

Jun 26th, 2020

Trump’s Rationale for Attacking the ICC—Continuity with Bush and Obama’s War on Terrorism


Jun 25th, 2020

As Trump Mulls New US Nuclear Tests, We Can Learn from a “Small” Country’s Resistance to the Bomb

by and

Jun 25th, 2020

National Guard Risks and Recommendations in Public Order Management

by and

Jun 25th, 2020

The Deeply Concerning, Misguided D.C. Circuit Mandamus Ruling in the Flynn Case


Jun 24th, 2020

As UN Renews Peacekeeping in Mali, Civilian Protection Requires Ongoing Push for Air Assets


Jun 24th, 2020

The ICC Wants Justice But Has No Mandate


Jun 24th, 2020

Time to Update the United Kingdom’s List of Terrorist Organizations


Jun 24th, 2020

The United Nations Charter at 75: Between Force and Self-Defense — Part Two


Jun 24th, 2020

Northern Ireland’s Lessons for American Policing


Jun 24th, 2020

The United Nations Charter at 75: Between Force and Self-Defense — Part One


Jun 24th, 2020

The Progressive Defense Budget


Jun 23rd, 2020

Why the Calls to Deploy Military Force in the US Protests Weren’t Surprising

by and

Jun 23rd, 2020

Tensions With US Fuel Debate Over Germany’s Future Defense Strategy


Jun 23rd, 2020

Specific Questions for Congress (and News Media) to Ask Attorney General Barr

by , and

Jun 22nd, 2020

Just Security’s New Co-Editor-in-Chief


Jun 22nd, 2020

COVID-19 en México: ¿Está en Riesgo la Democracia


Jun 22nd, 2020

COVID-19 in Mexico: Democracy is Not at Risk?


Jun 22nd, 2020

The Supreme Court’s Ominous DACA Decision: Perils for Dreamers in What Comes Next

by and

Jun 22nd, 2020

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (June 15-19)


Jun 20th, 2020

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