Recent Articles

DOD’s New Ex Gratia Policy: What’s Right, What’s Wrong, and What’s Next


Jul 10th, 2020

Toward a Consistent and Coherent Ex Gratia Policy for Civilian Casualties


Jul 10th, 2020

Under Cover of COVID at the UN: Why Counterterrorism Is Not the Answer to a Pandemic


Jul 10th, 2020

National Security at the United Nations This Week (July 3-10)


Jul 10th, 2020

Is the Supreme Court Undercutting Congress’ Ability to Check Abuses of Presidential Power?

by and

Jul 10th, 2020

Supreme Court on Trump’s Finances: Glass Three Quarters Full for Rule of Law

by and

Jul 9th, 2020

Colombian Peace Efforts on Life Support Amid the COVID-19 Response


Jul 9th, 2020

UN’s “Counter-Terrorism Week” Misses the Mark in Marginalizing Civil Society


Jul 9th, 2020

Forced Family Separation During COVID-19: Preventing Torture and Inhumane Treatment in Crisis

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Jul 8th, 2020

The Odd Couple at the Center of the U.N.’s Counterterrorism Growth

by and

Jul 8th, 2020

The New U.S. “Caesar” Sanctions on Syria Are Illegal


Jul 8th, 2020

Trump Pushed CIA to Give Intelligence to Kremlin, While Taking No Action Against Russia Arming Taliban


Jul 8th, 2020

Iraqi Researcher’s Death Adds Urgency to Penalizing Iran-Backed Militias With New U.K. “Magnitsky” Law


Jul 7th, 2020

U.S. “National Security” Must Apply to the Entire Nation


Jul 7th, 2020

Mexico’s Priorities as an Elected Member to the Security Council for 2021-2022

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Jul 7th, 2020

IACHR Condemns Guantánamo Abuses in First “War on Terror” Decision


Jul 7th, 2020

Bill Barr: No Lap Dog, Just Defending His Idea of the Top Dog


Jul 6th, 2020

Rehabilitating and Reintegrating Child Returnees from ISIS

by and

Jul 6th, 2020

Gambia v. Facebook: What the Discovery Request Reveals about Facebook’s Content Moderation


Jul 6th, 2020

Unpacking the National Intelligence Council’s Memo on Russian Bounty Operation

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Jul 5th, 2020

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (June 29-July 3)


Jul 4th, 2020

National Security at the United Nations This Week (June 26-July 2)


Jul 3rd, 2020

Patriotism and Justice on an Unusual Independence Day


Jul 3rd, 2020

Why is Trump Turning a Blind Eye to Russia’s Covert Warfare?


Jul 3rd, 2020

Letter to the Editor: There is No Affront to U.S. Sovereignty in the Int’l Criminal Court Investigation


Jul 2nd, 2020

Less Lethal than Firearms, But Only if Used Appropriately

by , and

Jul 2nd, 2020

The Baseline: How a Functional Executive Would Have Handled the Russian Bounty Operation

by , and

Jul 2nd, 2020

It’s Time to Stop the Use of Tear Gas Against Civilians


Jul 1st, 2020

The Demise of Government: The Grim Task of Undoing Trump’s Damage

by and

Jul 1st, 2020

The CIA’s Long and Winding Road to Diversity


Jul 1st, 2020

Welcoming E. Tendayi Achiume, Barbara McQuade, and Matiangai Sirleaf to Just Security’s Board of Editors

by and

Jun 30th, 2020

A Tale of German Global Criminal Justice: A TWAIL Perspective on the Syrian Torture Trial


Jun 30th, 2020

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