Recent Articles

Needed: A Whistleblower Protection Paradigm Shift


Dec 15th, 2020

To Prevent Atrocities, Break Bureaucratic Silos, Don’t Build A New One


Dec 15th, 2020

Reviving the US Commitment to Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: The UN Commission on the Status of Women

by and

Dec 15th, 2020

The Definition of Aggression and Self-Defense


Dec 14th, 2020

The Bosnian Constitution, Marking 25 Years, Needs an American Reboot


Dec 14th, 2020

The Constitutionality of Non-Specific Pardons


Dec 14th, 2020

Biden Must Stick to His Pledge to End US Support for the Yemen War

by and

Dec 14th, 2020

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (Dec 5-11)


Dec 12th, 2020

National Security Last Week at the United Nations (Dec 4 – Dec 11)

by and

Dec 11th, 2020

Defending Women’s Rights Is Not Terrorism: A Saudi Prosecution on Human Rights Day

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Dec 11th, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Judicial Activism, Corporate Exceptionalism, and the Puzzlement of Nestlé v. Doe


Dec 11th, 2020

Representation at the Top: The Importance of Race in the Austin Nomination Debate


Dec 11th, 2020

COVID-19 and International Law Series: Reforming the World Health Organization

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Dec 11th, 2020

Polish Government’s Attacks on Rule of Law Violate Not Only EU Norms but International Law


Dec 11th, 2020

We Can’t “Look Forward” on the Trump Administration’s Abuses


Dec 11th, 2020

Could a Migrants’ Bill of Rights Provide a Blueprint for Migration Policy in the Americas?


Dec 10th, 2020

The Failed Transparency Regime for Executive Agreements

by , and

Dec 10th, 2020

If the US Wants to Lead on Human Rights, We Must Shift to the State and Local Level

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Dec 10th, 2020

The UDHR, Digital Authoritarianism, and Human Rights after Trump

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Dec 10th, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Holding the Aiders and Abettors of Atrocity to Account

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Dec 9th, 2020

The Overlooked Intersection of Social Media and Kleptocracy


Dec 9th, 2020

Protecting Ethiopian Refugees — and Averting the Next Crisis

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Dec 9th, 2020

Revitalizing US Democracy Starts with Repairing the Right to Peaceful Assembly

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Dec 9th, 2020

Biden’s Global Priority No. 1: Turn the Authoritarian Tide


Dec 8th, 2020

COVID-19 and International Law Series: WHO’s Pandemic Response and the International Health Regulations

by and

Dec 8th, 2020

Addressing Our Whole-of-Government Deficit in National Security


Dec 8th, 2020

Supreme Court Preview: Collins v. Mnuchin and the Expanding ‘Unitary Executive’ Theory


Dec 8th, 2020

New Zealand Pushes the Dialogue on International Cyber Law Forward


Dec 8th, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: In Oral Arguments, Justices Weigh Liability for Chocolate Companies


Dec 7th, 2020

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and its Limited Impact on the Legality of their Use

by and

Dec 7th, 2020

The Risks of Relying on Counterterrorism Laws to Reduce Wartime Sexual Violence


Dec 7th, 2020

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (Nov 28-Dec 4)


Dec 5th, 2020

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